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HW2: Spooky Text

SI669 Fall 2023

Video Walkthrough

See the Demo Video.

Learning Goals

  • Gain comfort reading and writing component state
  • Gain comfort using conditional rendering
  • Gain comfort handling user input

Project Goals

  • Modify an app so that it can display user input, transformed according to options selected by the user.

What to Do

  1. Accept the GitHub Classroom invitation.
  2. Clone the repo that is created to your local machine.
  3. cd into the directory that was created when you cloned the repo (it should be called hw3-spookytext-<your-github-id>).
  4. execute npm install
  5. Implement handleChangeText(), handleReverseText(), and handleReverseColors(), along with any other changes you deem necessary.
  6. Push your final changes to GitHub before the deadline.
  7. Create a screencast video and submit the link to Canvas before the deadline.
  8. Indicate in your Canvas comments which requirements (including extra credit) you believe you met.


  • Be sure to show that the switches can operate independently.
  • Also show that existing text is reversed when the "Reverse Text" is switched "On" and that new text is reversed when the switch is already on.
  • A reverseText() function is provided. This will come in handy.

Grading (up to 120 points)

No. Requirement Points
1 Switches change state (on/off) when pressed 20
2 Switches operate independently of each other 20
3 "Enter something:" TextInput displays user input 20
4 "Result:" Text updates when TextInput changes 20
5 "Result:" Text is reversed when 'Reverse Text' switch is 'On' 20
6 "Result:" Colors are inverted when 'Reverse Colors' switch is 'On' 20
Total 120

Extra Credit

Implement a password validator that operates like the one in this video.

While you don't need to do this for credit, you might want to look into the KeyboardAvoidingView React Native component if you're curious about how to make sure that input fields don't get obscured by the keyboard (as shown in the video).

Grading (up to 4 points)

No. Requirement Points
1 Correctly displays whether "Enter Password:" text field consists only of letters or numbers 1.5
2 Correctly displays whether "Enter Password:" text field has at least one number and at least one upper case letter 1.5
3 Correctly displays whether "Enter Password:" and "Re-enter Password:" text fields match 1
Total 4


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