LeetCode Solutions This repository contains my solutions to several LeetCode problems along with explanations in my own terms. Each solution is implemented in Java (mostly).
Summary LeetCode is a platform where you can practice coding skills by solving algorithm and data structure problems. In this repository, I've documented my solutions to various problems from LeetCode. Each problem is categorized and explained briefly, followed by the corresponding Python code.
Purpose The purpose of this repository is to:
Provide clear and concise explanations of solutions to LeetCode problems. Showcase my problem-solving skills and coding style. Serve as a resource for others who are preparing for technical interviews or simply want to improve their algorithmic skills.
Usage Feel free to explore the solutions provided in this repository. You can study the problem statements, read the explanations, and analyze the code to understand various approaches to solving each problem.
Contributing Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you have alternative solutions to the problems, improvements to the existing solutions, or new problems to add, please feel free to submit a pull request. Also, if you need help in any of the questions just drop a message on my mail : [email protected]