A starter Rsbuild template having:
The latest code of this template has upgraded React to 19+. If you need react@^18, please use this version.
该模板的最新代码中,已经将 React 的版本更新到了 19+。如果你需要 react@^18,请使用这个版本。
This code repository may occasionally update its dependency versions. If the dependency versions in the latest code do not meet your expectations, please go to Tags section to download a previous version of this template. I will display the dependencies used in each Tag, please choose the one you need.
The fastest way to use this template is to click the “Use this template” button on the top right of this repository. It will help you create a new repository quickly, and you can make any modifications to your own repository. If you still want to download this template separately, please continue reading.
If you need a copy of this repository. You can download a copy as zip but tiged is recommended.
After you installed tiged, please excute the following commands:
$ cd path-to-save-your-project
$ tiged royrao2333/template-rsbuild-react-ts-tailwind your-project-name
After getting a copy of this repository, you can use your package manager to install dependecies:
$ cd path-to-your-project
$ pnpm install
# npm install
# yarn install
Let's run!
$ pnpm run dev
# npm run dev
# yarn run dev
We've already implemented some recommended configurations in
. Feel free to edit them if you have your own preferences.
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.