Artisan-Alley is an e-commerce application designed to offer users a seamless shopping experience. This project was inspired by the need for an efficient and user-friendly platform that combines a wide range of product offerings with robust cart management and personalized user interactions. The application includes features like product management, reviews, favorites, and cart functionality. Our goal is to continuously improve this project, making it a central piece of my software engineering portfolio.
Live Link Visit Artisan-Alley
GitHub Repository Link to Repository
Artisan-Alley is built using Flask for the backend and React for the frontend, offering a comprehensive set of tools for managing products, carts, reviews, and favorites. The application is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, providing users with a smooth shopping experience.
Home Page
Product View
Product Detail
Cart View
Favorite Products
- Users can sign up, log in, log out, and access protected content.
- Users can browse, search, and view detailed information on products. - Admin users can add, edit, and delete products.
- Users can add products to their cart, view the cart, clear the cart, remove products from the cart and proceed to checkout. - Cart updates automatically as products are added or removed.
- Users can leave reviews on products they have purchased. - Reviews include a star rating and comments.
- Users can add products to a favorites list for easy access later. - Favorite lists can be managed by adding or removing products.
Current User
- Purpose: Authenticates the current user and returns their information if they are logged in.
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/auth/
- Successful Response: HTTP Status Code 200
"id": "integer",
"username": "string",
"email": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string"
- Error Response: HTTP Status Code 401
"errors": {
"message": "Unauthorized"
- Purpose: Logs in a user with the provided credentials.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/auth/login
- Body:
"email": "string",
"password": "string"
- Successful Response: HTTP Status Code 200
"id": "integer",
"username": "string",
"email": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string"
- Error Response: HTTP Status Code 401
"errors": {
"field_name": "error_message"
- Purpose: Logs out the current user.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/auth/logout
- Successful Response: HTTP Status Code 200
"message": "User logged out"
- Error Response: None
Sign Up
- Purpose: Creates a new user and logs them in.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/auth/signup
- Body:
"username": "string",
"email": "string",
"password": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string"
- Successful Response: HTTP Status Code 201
"id": "integer",
"username": "string",
"email": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string"
- Error Response: HTTP Status Code 401
"errors": {
"field_name": "error_message"
- Purpose: Returns an unauthorized error when authentication fails.
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/auth/unauthorized
- Error Response: HTTP Status Code 401
"errors": {
"message": "Unauthorized"
Get All Users
- Purpose: Fetches all users registered in the application.
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/users/
- Successful Response: HTTP Status Code 200
"id": "integer",
"username": "string",
"email": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"profile_picture": "string"
- Error Response: None
Get User by ID
- Purpose: Fetches details of a specific user by their ID.
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/users/int:id
- Successful Response: HTTP Status Code 200
"id": "integer",
"username": "string",
"email": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"profile_picture": "string"
- Error Response: HTTP Status Code 404
"error": "User not found"
Get User's Products
- Purpose: Fetches all products listed by a specific user (seller) by their ID.
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/users/int:id/products
- Successful Response: HTTP Status Code 200
"id": "integer",
"title": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": "float",
"inventory": "integer",
"category_id": "integer"
- Error Response: None
Purpose: Fetches all products owned by the current user.
Successful Response:
HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "integer", "title": "string", "description": "string", "price": "float", "inventory": "integer", "seller_id": "integer", "category_id": "integer" "seller": [ { "id": "id", "username": "username", "first_name": "first_nameername", "last_name": "last_name", "profile_url": "profile_url", “seller_rating”: “seller_rating” } ], }
Error Response:
HTTP Status 401
{ "errors": { "message": "Unauthorized" } }
- Purpose: Fetches a random product for the landing page.
- Method:
- URL:
- Successful Response:
HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "integer", "title": "string", "description": "string", "price": "float", "inventory": "integer", "seller_id": "integer", "category_id": "integer" "preview_image": "preview_image", "seller": [ { "id": "id", "username": "username", "first_name": "first_nameername", "last_name": "last_name", "profile_url": "profile_url", "seller_rating": "seller_rating" } ], }
- Purpose: Fetches all products.
- Method:
- URL:
- Successful Response:
HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "id", "title": "title", "description": "description", "inventory": "inventory", "price": "price", "category_id": "category_id", "seller_id": "seller_id", } ```
- Error Response:
HTTP Status 404
{ "errors": "No products found" }
Purpose: Fetches one single product by ID.
Successful Response:
HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "integer", "title": "string", "description": "string", "price": "float", "inventory": "integer", "seller_id": "integer", "category_id": "integer", "images": [ { "id": "integer", "url": "string", "preview": "boolean" } ], "reviews": [ { "id": "integer", "user_id": "integer", "review": "string", "stars": "integer" } ] }
Error Response:
HTTP Status 404
{ "message": "Product could not be found." }
Purpose: Creates a new product.
{ "title": "string", "description": "string", "price": "float", "inventory": "integer", "category_id": "integer" }
Successful Response:
HTTP Status 201
{ "id": "integer", "title": "string", "description": "string", "price": "float", "inventory": "integer", "seller_id": "integer", "category_id": "integer" "seller": [ { "id": "id", "username": "username", "first_name": "first_nameername", "last_name": "last_name", "profile_url": "profile_url", "seller_rating": "seller_rating" } ], }
Error Response:
HTTP Status 400
{ "Form errors:": "form.errors" }
Purpose: Edit a product.
{ "title": "string", "description": "string", "price": "float", "inventory": "integer", "category_id": "integer" }
Successful Response:
HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "integer", "title": "string", "description": "string", "price": "float", "inventory": "integer", "seller_id": "integer", "category_id": "integer" "seller": [ { "id": "id", "username": "username", "first_name": "first_nameername", "last_name": "last_name", "profile_url": "profile_url", "seller_rating": "seller_rating" } ], }
Error Response:
HTTP Status 400
{ "Form errors:": "form.errors" }
Purpose: Delete a product.
Successful Response:
HTTP Status 200
{ "message": "Successfully deleted" }
Error Response:
HTTP Status 404
{ "error": "Product not found" }
- Purpose: Fetches all preview images for products in the store.
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/products/preview-images
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"id": "integer",
"product_id": "integer",
"url": "string",
"preview": "boolean"
- Error Response: None
Get Images for a Product
- Purpose: Fetches all images associated with a specific product by its ID.
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/products/int:product_id/images
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"images": [
"id": "integer",
"url": "string",
"preview": "boolean"
- Error Response: None
Create Product Image
- Purpose: Adds a new image to an existing product.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/products/images/new
- Body:
"product_id": "integer",
"url": "string",
"preview": "boolean"
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 201
"id": "integer",
"product_id": "integer",
"url": "string",
"preview": "boolean"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 400
"errors": {
"field_name": "error_message"
Edit Product Image
- Purpose: Edits an existing product image by its ID.
- Method: PUT
- URL: /api/products/images/int:imageId
- Body:
"url": "string"
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"id": "integer",
"product_id": "integer",
"url": "string",
"preview": "boolean"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 400
"errors": {
"field_name": "error_message"
Delete Product Image
- Purpose: Deletes a product image by its ID.
- Method: DELETE
- URL: /api/products/images/int:imageId
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"message": "Successfully deleted"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 404
"error": "Image not found"
Returns the total stars and review count for a specific product
- Method: GET
- URL: /api/reviews/review-stats/:productId
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"product_id": "integer",
"stars_total": "integer",
"review_count": "integer"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 200 (when no reviews exist for the product)
"stars_total": 0,
"review_count": 0
Gets all reviews for a product.
Require Authentication: false
- Method: GET
- URL: /products/:productId/reviews
- Body: none
Successful Response
Status Code: 200
- Content-Type: application/json
[ { "id": 1, "product_id": 1, "recommendation": “boolean”, "review": "string", "stars": “integer”, "user": "string" }, ]
Require Authentication: true
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/products/:productId/reviews
- Body:
{ "review": "string", "stars": "integer", "recommendation": "boolean" }
Successful Response
- Status Code: 200
- Headers:
- Content-Type: application/json
- Body:
"id": "integer",
"product_id": "integer",
"user_id": "integer",
"review": "string",
"stars": "integer",
"recommendation": "boolean"
Require Authentication: true
- Method: PUT
- URL: /api/reviews/:reviewId
- Body:
{ "review": "string", "stars": "integer", "recommendation": "boolean" }
Successful Response
- Status Code: 200
- Headers:
- Content-Type: application/json
- Body:
"id": "integer",
"product_id": "integer",
"user_id": "integer",
"review": "string",
"stars": "integer",
"recommendation": "boolean"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 401
"errors": {
"message": "Unauthorized"
Deletes a review by its ID.
Require Authentication: true
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/reviews/:reviewId
Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
{ "message": "Successfully deleted", "review": { "id": "integer", "product_id": "integer", "user_id": "integer", "review": "string", "stars": "integer", "recommendation": "boolean" } }
Error Response:** HTTP Status 401
{ "errors": { "message": "Unauthorized" } }
Get Favorites
Purpose: Fetches the current user's favorite products.
Method: GET
URL: /api/favorites/current
Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
{ "favorites": [ { "id": "integer", "product_id": "integer", "user_id": "integer" } ] }
Error Response: None
Add to Favorites
Purpose: Adds a product to the user's favorites.
Method: POST
URL: /api/favorites/
{ "product_id": "integer" }
Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "integer", "product_id": "integer", "user_id": "integer" }
Error Response: HTTP Status 500
{ "errors": { "message": "User already favorited this product." } }
Remove from Favorites
Purpose: Removes a product from the user's favorites.
Method: DELETE
URL: /api/favorites/int:productId
Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "integer", "user_id": "integer" }
Error Response: HTTP Status 404
{ "errors": { "message": "Favorite could not be found." } }
Get Cart
Purpose: Fetches the current user's cart.
Method: GET
URL: /api/cart/
Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
{ "id": "integer", "user_id": "integer", "cart_items": [ { "product_id": "integer", "quantity": "integer", "total_price": "float" } ] }
Error Response: HTTP Status 404
"error": "Cart not found"
Add to Cart
- Purpose: Adds a product to the cart.
- Method: POST
- URL: /api/cart/add/
- Body:
"product_id": "integer",
"quantity": "integer"
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"message": "Product added to cart",
"cart_item": {
"product_id": "integer",
"quantity": "integer"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 400
"error": "Invalid product ID"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 404
"error": "Product not found"
Edit Cart Item Quantity
- Purpose: Edits the quantity of a specific item in the cart.
- Method: PUT
- URL: /api/cart/int:cart_item_id/edit
- Body:
"quantity": "integer"
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"product_id": "integer",
"quantity": "integer"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 404
"error": "Cart item not found"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 400
"error": "Invalid quantity"
Remove from Cart
- Purpose: Removes a product from the cart.
- Method: DELETE
- URL: /api/cart/item/int:cart_item_id
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"message": "Product removed from cart"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 404
"error": "Cart item not found"
Clear Cart
- Purpose: Deletes all items from the cart, effectively clearing the cart.
- Method: DELETE
- URL: /api/cart/clear
- Successful Response: HTTP Status 200
"message": "All cart items deleted successfully"
- Error Response: HTTP Status 404
"error": "Cart not found"
- Enhanced product search and filter functionality.
- Integration with third-party payment processors.
- Integration with third-party login.
- User notifications for price changes and promotions.
- Advanced user account management options.
- low quantity alert on all pages of products exists.
- recommendation algorithm.
- product category refactor.