mineflayer-sg is a mineflayer plugin to play survivalgames. This project is still in its very early stages, so dont expect much functionality.
Contributions are very much welcomed!
- Search for Chests
- Save already opened Chests and dont open again
- Run away at the start and dont fight anyone
- (prob dont need this)Create more efficient nav algorithm for wandering about(and for running away) <- (maybe)
- Loot Chests
- Prioritize Items
- Sort Inventory
- Realign Inventory when something breaks or all food got aten or new Item got into Inventory
- Search for Players
- Fight nearby Players
- Only hit player when actually looking at him
- Fighting with Bow
- Adding knockback
- Overall better Physics Engine
- Pickup prioritized Items
- Not jumping into lava when a Player is behind it
- Upgrade mineflayer-navigate so the Bot can sprint(and jump) while navigating
- Sprint/Jump Food Logic
- Break breakable blocks if they are an obsticle
- Making the code look fancy and sorted
- Make a terrain simplifyer for the navigation algorithm
- Open Doors,etc... if they are an obsticle
- Dont jump on fences and stand on open fence gates
- More natural navigation
- Logic to stay near team players
- Logic to team boost near enemy that is running away (alternativly using the rod self boosting)
- Logic for when its best to fight and when its best to run or hide or go loot
- Currently cant go through doors,etc... fix that
- Press Buttons and Levers to open doors
(mineflayer-navigate and mineflayer-blockfinder are needed!) This is a plugin so you can just initialize it like any other plugin:
var mineflayer = require('mineflayer');
var navigatePlugin = require('mineflayer-navigate')(mineflayer);
var blockFinderPlugin = require('mineflayer-blockfinder')(mineflayer);
var sgPlugin = require('./index.js')(mineflayer);
var bot = mineflayer.createBot();
var mineflayer = require('mineflayer');
var navigatePlugin = require('mineflayer-navigate')(mineflayer);
var blockFinderPlugin = require('mineflayer-blockfinder')(mineflayer);
var sgPlugin = require('./index.js')(mineflayer);
var bot = mineflayer.createBot();
bot.on('chat', function(username, message) {
if (username === bot.username) return;
var target = bot.players[username].entity;
if (message === 'start') {
// 'chestBlocks': [ '168:2' ]
}else if (message === 'stop') {
bot.on('death', () => {
bot.survivalgames.on('begin', () => {
bot.chat('Started SurvivalGames!');
bot.survivalgames.on('stop', () => {
bot.chat('Stopped SurvivalGames!');
bot.on('error', (err) => {