A timer app with strong expansibility for computers | Website | 网站中文页面
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I appreciate it if you can help contribute.
If you have any feature requests / bugs to report, feel free to have a issue.
If you have done something brilliant, then go for a pull request.
If you want to add a new language to wnr, see this guide first.
yarn # install deps
yarn start # launch the app
yarn dir # build executable only
yarn nsis # windows nsis installer
yarn 7zip # windows 7zip protable version
yarn mac # macos
yarn linux # linux
yarn appimage # linux AppImage
Copyright (c) 2019-2025 Roderick Qiu and other contributors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MPL 2.0 License.
For the full text of licenses, go and see this file, which is also included in every copy of wnr.
- node-shi, my own project following MIT License.
- cmd-or-ctrl, another project of mine following MIT License.
- node-auto-launch, Teamwork, MIT License.
- compare-version, kevva, MIT License.
- electron-store, sindresorhus, MIT License.
- i18n-node, mashpie, MIT License.
- crypto-js, brix, MIT License.
- copy-to-clipboard, sudodoki, MIT License.
- request, request, Apache-2.0 License.
- winreg, fresc81, BSD 2-Clause License.
- electron, electron, MIT License.
- electron-builder, electron-userland, MIT License.
- jquery, jquery, MIT License.
- bootstrap, twbs, MIT License.
- iconfont, ALIMAMA MUX, for license go to the site.
- dotenv, motdotla, BSD-2-Clause License.
- electron-debug, sindresorhus, MIT License.
- node-fetch, node-fetch, MIT License.
- node-notifier, mikaelbr, MIT License.
- popper.js, popperjs, MIT License.
- schart.js, lin-xin, MIT License.
- cross-env, kentcdodds, MIT License.