Welcome, every section in this repo contains a collection of exercises demonstrating combine's utilization as well as a light overview on what every topic is about you can find those withing the readmes of each section.
- PublishersAndSubscribersBasic
- ImplementingSubscriber
- Subjects
- Type Erase
- collect, map, mapKeypath, flatMap, replaceNil (with extra unwrapping), replaceEmpty, scan
- filter, removeDuplicates, compactMap, ignoreOutput, first, last, dropFirst, dropWhile, dropUntilOutputFrom, prefix, Challenge
- prepend, append, switchToLatest, merge, combineLatest, zip
- minMax, firstLast, output, count, contains, allSatisfy, reduce
- URLSession extensions and Codable support
- Displaying posts on a TableView
- Debbuging Combine (print Operator)
- Debugging throught XCode Debugger
- RunLoop, Timer class, DispathQueue
- share
- multicast
- Webservice, responsive UI, debounce. (you need an openweather apikey)
- Overview
- HelloBinding
- HelloState
- Observable & Environment Objects
- Practical example with webservices, passing data between views