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A club management system made for FAMAT (Florida Association of Mu Alpha Theta) chapters.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Made with ❤️ for Doral Academy MAO.

Installation Instructions

  1. Upload a copy of the latest release into your public_html directory.
  2. Extract!
  3. Go to phpMyAdmin and create a database.
  4. Import mao.sql into your newly created database.
  5. Edit config.ini with the appropriate SQL database and email information.
  6. Move ./phpMyBackupPro/global_conf.php/ to ./../files/.


  • Calendar & Login Form:

    • Add calendar option in config.ini
    • Add instructions for calendar IFrame
    • Fix styling for calendar and login form if calendar is not being used
  • Login Page Background:

    • Add instructions to change background
  • Competition Tracker:

    • Competition tracker deselect page should have statistics on all competitions


Account Registration & Access


Register your account with your 7-digit school ID. After being registered, you will be redirected to the login page and your login code will be sent to your email.


If you don't already have your current login code, enter your ID under Get a Login Code and click Email Code.

To login, enter your ID and current login code.

Note: Each login code is a random 6-digit uppercase hexadecimal number.

Your Account

Account Information

This page displays the user's current account information. Students may update each section at a time. The information in red is only editable by officers and admins.

Competition Selections

This page allows competitors to "opt-in" (select) which competitions they would like to attend and their current registration, payment, form, bus, and room status. Once a student selects to go to a competition, they will appear in the competition's selection report (explained later).

Note: Just because a student selects to go to a competition does not mean they will. An officer must approve their selection by registering them to the competition (explained later).


All current transactions, outstanding or otherwise, are shown here. The red in the Total Owed column indicates that money is owed by the account and green indicates that money is owed to the account.

The Archive button moves a transaction to a separate table to keep receipts of all transactions made.

Note: The Actions column is only viewable and usable by officers and admins. The Add Transaction(s) button will be explained later. Each transaction has a log that records all update made to a transaction and is only viewable by the admin (shown later).

Officer Management

Update Accounts

The red fields mentioned before in a student's Update Account Information page can be edited by officers and admins.

Delete Accounts

It does what you think it does!

Manage Payments

You can create new payments, and update and delete existing ones.

Note: The description is shown as HTML! New lines are represented by <br>.


By clicking the "Add Transaction(s)" button mentioned before, a popup windows will appear that will allow an officer or admin add another transaction such as a club sweater.

Note: In the event that a transaction may require additional information such as a shirt size (if the purchased size is different that the one found in the student's account info) or receipt number, the transaction's Modifier box may be used.

Manage Competitions

You can create new competitions, and update and delete existing ones. The fields that are selected are shown in the Competition Tracker and in the competition reports (shown later).

Note: The description is shown as HTML! New lines are represented by <br>.

Competition Tracker

  • Sort By - Sort Registered Students List:

    • Name (Default),
    • Grade,
    • Division, or
    • ID
  • Reports:

    • Selections

    This report shows students that have selected to go to this competition. An officer or admin can approve (registers student to competition, a student's selection, deny (removes the student's selection) a student's selection, or approve all students' selections (Add All button).

    • Posting

    This report is usually posted outside the sponsor's classroom.

    • Checkoff List

    This report is usually taken on the bus and to the competition and is used to keep track of all student's on a competition and contains the student's contact information and competition status.

  • Other Actions:

    • Add

    Here, you can add a student that is not already registered to the competition.

    • Create Bubble Sheets

    This magic button creates the bubble sheets for all students registered to the competition. The team bubble is left blank so that it can be bubbled when team is decided (usually at the competition).

Bubbles From File

You can make non-FAMAT bubble sheets using a CSV file.

Custom Bubble Sheets


Admin Management

Table Dump

This allows admins to dump tables in the MAO database as HTML tables.


A club management system made for FAMAT (Florida Association of Mu Alpha Theta) chapters.




