Changing minor of a beacon On the BeaconSet app on your phone, click on the beacon you want to change the minor of and then choose settings. (If there are multiple and you are not sure which beacon is yours, read the mac address on the app and match it to the mac address written physically on your minew Beacon.) Click on "MINOR" and type a unique minor value that other beacons in the lab are not using. This will be the minor the program uses to scan for a specific beacon. Click "save" and then go down and click "Reboot iBeacon" and click OK after being prompted for a password.
Changing transmission power of a beacon The transmission power will be shown as "Tx:" with the value next to it. An example being "Tx: -12dBm" Click on the beacon you want to change the transmission power of and then choose settings. (If there are multiple and you are not sure which beacon is yours, read the mac address on the app and match it to the mac address written physically on your minew Beacon.) Click on "Transmission Power" and choose the setting you want to collect samples for next. Click "save" and then go down and click "Reboot iBeacon" and click OK after being prompted for a password.
Each test has a 3 second delay before scanning so that you have time to get into position after starting. To stop running a program due to a mistake, hit Ctrl-C. This program allows you to complete 4 tests (one for each direction) for a given distance, transmission power, and obstacle scenario. For each test, it scans for 30 packets from a beacon then uploads each packet with scenario information to our database (in a collection titled "beaconConfig"). A summary of the trial with the mean, median, standard deviation, etc will also be added to our database in a seperate collection ("beaconConfigStats"). In order to start scanning, launch the program by typing 'python3' followed by your beacon minor, obstacle between anchor, distance from anchor, and transmission power. An example being 'python3 213 Desk 7m -8dBm' Allows you to specify and do only one specific test (so one given direction rather than all four). In order to start scanning, launch the program by typing 'python3' followed by your beacon minor, obstacle between anchor, distance from anchor, transmission power, and direction you are facing. An example being 'python3 213 Desk 7m -8dBm North' If there are no obstacles, type "NONE" For direction, type North, East, South, or West. North meaning you are facing towards the anchor, East meaning you rotate 90 degrees clockwise, South meaning you are facing away from the anchor, and so on. Hit Ctrl C to cancel the program if you mistype the minor value.
completeConfigTests Simular to '' but does a test for each distance as well (0m to 8m, but you can remove or add more distances by adjusting the "distance_list" list in the code). In order to start scanning, launch the program by typing 'python3' followed by your beacon minor, obstacle between anchor, and transmission power. An example being 'python3 213 NONE -8dBm'