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Assets Transform extension for the HTML Webpack Plugin

License npm Build Status FOSSA Status


This plugin will allow you to transform asset tags generated by html-webpack-plugin.


Install the plugin with npm:

npm i --save-dev html-webpack-transform-plugin

Install the plugin with yarn:

yarn add --dev html-webpack-transform-plugin

Basic Usage

In the plugins section of your webpack config file, include the following:

plugins: [
  new HtmlWebpackPlugin(),
  new HtmlWebpackTransformPlugin()


Name Type Default Description
attributes {Object} {} Map of attributes to add
pathPrefix {String} '' Path prefix to use with each asset url
transform {Function} tag => tag A callback function that is execute on each tag to allow any transformation of tags. Function must return modified tag object
replacePublicPath {Boolean} false Used with pathPrefix option. If true - publicPath from webpack options will be replaced with pathPrefix


Add crossorigin attribue for each script tag:

new HtmlWebpackTransformPlugin({
  attributes: {script: {crossorigin: 'anonymous'}},

Replace public path with ejs template variable for dynamic paths with expresjs:

new HtmlWebpackTransformPlugin({
  pathPrefix: '<%= assetsPath %>/',
  replacePublicPath: true,

Do anything else with the tags using transform callback:

new HtmlWebpackTransformPlugin({
  transform: tag => {
    // add additional properties
    // add path prefix or remove public path
    // or anything else
    return tag;


FOSSA Status