- BuckledPepper was made for educational purposes, there for all consequences caused by your actions are your responsibility and accountability.
- You got an error? you've find a bug?? join the discord or create an issue!
- variable "apiurl" is used to create a futur Glitch web pannel without any webhook in the future :)
> Injection:
- Nitro Auto Buy
- First Start Reporter
- New Passwords
- New Emails
- New Login
- New Credit Card
- New PayPal
- Anti Delete system (re install after Discord uninstall / Discord Update)
> + More!
v2.5 ⋮ 2022-26-05
- bug fix bypass anti request discord
- error message fixed
- emote fixed
v3.2 : 2022-30-06
- fix new app path
- fix fetch billing
+ add languages
+ add new inject path in resources/app
+ detect badge
v3.9: 2022-25-07
+ detect if a2f enable
v4.3: 2022-09-08
- correct new a2f code backup grabber
+ detect if nsfw is enable
+ new sexy assets
v4.5: 2022-31-10
- remove a2f backup codes grabber (patched)
+ detect banner / icon
+ modify embed
v6.5: 2022-15-11
- delete emote fixed
+ link to copy on phone
+ detect New Discord Active Developer Badge
V6.5.2: 2022-21-11
+ Fix b is not defined error
V6.5.5: 2022-27-12
+ Fix emote (flag and ❌, ✔️)
+ Fix Text parser
V7: 2023-21-02
+ Fix Logout
+ Fix ALL error
+ Add Badges Boost
+ Add phone number
+ Entire Rewrite
- Educational purpose only
- Reselling is forbidden
- You can use the source code if you keep credits (in embed + in markdown), it has to be open-source
- We are NOT responsible of anything you do with our software (if its illegal)