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Releases: ReactiveX/RxKotlin

RxKotlin 3.0.1

19 Sep 20:07
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  • Targeting RxJava 3.0.6
  • Updated Kotlin to 1.4.10
  • Deprecated SAM helper methods, which were made obsolete with new type inference algorithm in Kotlin 1.4

RxKotlin 3.0.0

21 Mar 14:43
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Maven coordinates for this release: io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxkotlin:3.0.0

  • Targeting RxJava 3.0.0
  • Package for RxKotlin classes and functions changed to io.reactivex.rxjava3.kotlin to align it with other RxJava-based libraries (#227).

RxKotlin 3.0.0-RC1

01 Feb 18:10
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  • Now targeting RxJava 3 (version 3.0.0-RC9)
  • Base package for RxKotlin components changed to io.reactivex.rxkotlin3 (from io.reactivex.rxkotlin)
  • RxKotlin artifact group changed to io.reactivex.rxjava3 (from io.reactivex.rxjava2)

RxKotlin 2.4.0

28 Jul 13:31
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  • Kotlin updated to 1.3.40
  • RxJava updated to 2.2.10
  • Migrated to Gradle 5.4.1 and Gradle Kotlin DSL

RxKotlin 2.4.0-beta.1

28 Jun 21:58
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RxKotlin 2.4.0-beta.1 Pre-release
  • Kotlin updated to 1.3.40
  • RxJava updated to 2.2.10
  • Migrated to Gradle 5.4.1 and Gradle Kotlin DSL

RxKotlin 2.3.0

10 Aug 14:55
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This is the first release for RxKotlin in quite some time. I apologize it took so long.

  • RxJava updated to 2.2.0
  • Kotlin updated to 1.2.60
  • Silence unused and platform warnings #179
  • Add missing @CheckReturnValue annoations #180
  • Add zero-arg flatMapIterable and concatMapIterable #185
  • Make cast and ofType operate on wildcard types rather than Any #176
  • Add Flowables.create with lambda as last parameter #188
  • Change return type of Flowable.withLatestFrom #193

Thank you everyone for your contributions!

RxKotlin 2.2.0

27 Nov 01:02
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This is a breaking release removing some annoyances, specifically the toSingle() and toMaybe() extension functions targeting futures, callables, and even single T items.

These caused far more harm than good, as they often clashed with other libraries and people's own extensions. For instance, RxKotlinFX has a Dialog<T>.toMaybe() extension which emits a dialog's response. This clashed directly with the toMaybe() in RxKotlin. Rather than deprecating these extensions, they were just removed to prevent further hindrance.

Deprecated Observable#combineLatest() and its Flowable counterpart have been removed as well, and you can use the Observables and Flowables factories instead.

RxJava and Kotlin dependencies have been updated as well.

RxKotlin 2.1.0

24 Jun 20:16
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There are a number of changes in this release, some of which are possibly breaking. Many additions seek to expand the SAM helpers used to workaround the SAM issue.

  • zip(), combineLatest(), zipWith(), and withLatestFrom() now support emitting Pairs and Triples when no combining function is provided for 2-3 source arguments. This applies to Observable, Flowable, Single, and Maybe types.

  • Singles and Maybes have been greatly expanded to include more SAM helper operators for zip() and zipWith()

  • toMap() and toMultimap() extension operators have been added to Observable<Pair<X,Y>> and Flowable<Pair<X,Y>>, which will automatically use each Pair emission to map the key and value without any arguments.

  • Order of parameters for subscribeBy() have been moved so that onNext is the default if only one unnamed parameter is provided.

  • Kotlin 1.2 and RxJava 2.1.0 are now dependencies

Please file any issues if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.

RxKotlin 2.0.3

18 May 00:33
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This is a quick release to remove Java 8 configuration, so this works on Java 6+.

Also a blockingSubscribeBy() has been added as discussed here.

RxKotlin 2.0.2

03 May 02:49
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This is a re-release of the features in 2.0.1 to address some build issues during deployment. combineLatest() also received extensions to work with Pair and Triple emissions.

Thanks @stepango for putting these changes in.