Used mermaid for visualization
For the DIMs, I didn't list out all the explicit possible columns. Since it's a dim, it would generally be information related to that given key field. For Facts, I limited the number of possible information to include to the ride logistics piece. There is the option to delve into pricing and enable pricing analysis. I didn't in order to avoid over complicating the model for the case study. In the real world, it would be part of the full extended data model set.
Core Entities:
How to read table info: table_name: description
- column data type | column name | key id | description
Table descriptions: DIM_USER: both drivers and passengers infos.
DIM_LOCATION: : Location sepcific info (origins, destinations, and stops).
DIM_DATE: date related information (day, day of weeks etc).
FACT_TRIP_OFFER: trip from the driver.
- int trip_offer_id PK : unique table ID
- int driver_id FK : join key for dim_users: driver information
- int origin_id FK : join key for dim_location: start location
- int destination_id FK : join key for dim_location: last destination
- datetime departure_date FK : join key for dim_date: datetime set to leave
- int available_seats : number of seats available
- decimal price_per_seat: pricing
- string status: trip status
FACT_TRIP_BOOKING: bookings made by a passenger.
FACT_TRIP_STOP: each stop in a trip including intermediate stops .
Optimization: Dimensions Table:
- Clustering, possible to do geo-local partition by assigning numerical ID groups. e.g Dim_Location (country/region), at a more complex level of clustering (creating frequency bins, how often this location is driven to, offer provided etc, group it into least low, medium, high)
Fact tables:
- partition tables All tables on event date.
- Clustering by. most likely some form of location first, pending usage from analyst.
- Indexing + Sharding when we're working with extremely large tables. (100gb + tables) index turns off at 10gb. Sharding a bit of overhead, but in terms of organization and quick queries, definitely helps. Particularly more important when it isnt date partitioned or hitting parition limits.
Sample Usage Question 1: How many trip offers have been published last month?
SELECT COUNT(*) AS trip_offers_count FROM FACT_TRIP_OFFER AS fo JOIN DIM_DATE d ON fo.departure_date = d.date_id WHERE d.month = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 MONTH);
Question 2: What country had the highest number of publications last month?
SELECT, COUNT(*) AS trip_offers_count FROM FACT_TRIP_OFFER fo JOIN DIM_DATE d ON fo.departure_date = d.date_id JOIN DIM_LOCATION l ON fo.origin_id = l.location_id WHERE d.month = MONTH(CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 MONTH) GROUP BY ORDER BY trip_offers_count DESC;