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Web Application to record (voice) or write your speeches and explore other's speeches. You can also hear yours, or other speeches.

User Stories

  • 404: As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault.
  • 500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault.
  • homepage - As a user I want to be able to access the homepage so i can sign in or log in.
  • sign up - As a user I want to sign up on the webpage so that I can practice my speeches and read others speeches for inspiration.
  • login - As a user I want to be able to log in on the webpage so that I can get back to my account.
  • logout - As a user I want to be able to log out from the webpage so that I can make sure no one will access my account.
  • speeches list - As a user I want to see all the speeches available so that I can choose which ones I want to access.
  • search speeches As a user I want to search speeches using tags.
  • create speeches As a user I want to practice my speeches, so i want to record or write them.
  • public/private speeches As a user I want to keep private my speeches, or share them.
  • read my speeches As a user i want to read or listen my own speeches.
  • edit my speeches As a user I want to edit my speeches, so i can modify them.
  • delete speeches As a user I want to delete my speeches.
  • add to favorites As a user I want to add speeches to favorite so that I can save the ones that I liked the most.
  • see my favorites As a user I want to see my favorite speeches so that I can see the ones I liked the most.
  • profile - As a user I want to check my profile and edit it.


  • see other users profiles.
  • check favourites.
  • upload pictures.
  • search users.
  • add comments to speeches.
  • censurator.
  • chat room.
  • upload audio files to transcribe to text.



  • / - Homepage - Sign Up / Log In. y

  • /auth/signup - Signup form. y

  • /auth/login - Login form. y

  • /speeches - Speeches list. y

  • /speeches/:id - Speech detail. y

  • /profile - Shows user profile. y

  • /profile/edit - Edit profile.<> y

  • /profile/speeches - Shows user speeches (delete and create options). y

  • /profile/speeches/new - Create Form. y

  • /profile/speeches/:id/edit - Edit Form user speeches.

  • /profile/favourites - Show favourite speeches. y

  • 404


  • Home Page (Shows Sign In / Log In options)

  • Sign up Page

  • Log in Page

  • Search Speeches Page

  • Detail Page

  • My Profile Page (with Edit Options)

  • Own Speeches List Page

  • Speeches Create

  • Edit own Speeches Page (Detail too)

  • Favourite List Page (Redirects for detail to : Detail Page)

  • 404 Page

  • 500 Page


  • ...........
    • Props:
    • State:
  • Search component
    • Props:
    • State:



  • Auth Service
    • auth.login(user)
    • auth.signup(user)
    • auth.logout()
    • auth.getUser() // synchronous
  • Speeches Service
    • speeches.list()
    • speeches.create(data)
    • speeches.detail(id)
    • speeches.addFavorite(id)
    • speeches.removeFavorite(id)
  • Profile Service



User model

username - String // required & unique
email - String // required & unique
picture - String
password - String // required
favorites - [ObjectID<Speeches>]

Speeches model

owner - ObjectID<User> // required
title - String // required
message - String
tag - [String]
private - Boolean

API Endpoints/Backend Routes


  • GET /auth/me
  • POST /auth/signup
    • body:
      • username
      • email
      • password
  • POST /auth/login
    • body:
      • username
      • password
  • POST /auth/logout
    • body: (empty)


  • GET /speeches Dependiendo de los resultados mostrará de una forma u otra. Para de propio usuario hay que realizar Query.
  • POST /speeches Crear speeches.
  • GET /speeches/:id Detalle speech. Dependiendo de si currentUser === owner._id mostrará una cosa u otra.
  • PUT /speeches/:id Edita su propio speech.
  • DELETE /speeches/:id Eliminar speech.
  • POST /speeches/:id/favourites Añade a favoritos.



Link to your trello board or picture of your physical board


The url to your repository and to your deployed project

Client repository Link Server repository Link

Deploy Link


The url to your presentation slides

Slides Link


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 79.7%
  • CSS 17.3%
  • HTML 3.0%