The purpose of this Perl Mojolicious application is to handle alerts from external sources who is monitoring your applications.
AlertHole only accepts GET requests and checks the caller for a valid pre-agreed UserAgent ID. All non-matching request are denied with a pre-set HTTP 4xx code.
This application is not meant to run as root. Setup a local::lib installation for a dedicated AlertHole user.
As root:
useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/alerthole -m -c "AlertHole user" alerthole
su - alerthole
As the alerthole user:
wget -O- | perl - -l $HOME/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib && echo 'eval `perl -I $HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`' >> $HOME/.bash_profile && echo 'export MANPATH=$HOME/perl5/man:$MANPATH' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
. .bash_profile
cpanm Data::Dumper Compress::Raw::Zlib Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA IO::Compress::Gzip Mojolicious
git clone
Test the application (still as the alerthole user):
cd alert_hole
cp alert_hole.conf.example alert_hole.conf
morbo -l http://*:4778 script/alert_hole
Check your browser http://<url/localhost>:4778
See the nginx conf example and systemd example in the conf dir.
Place alert_hole.env in /etc/sysconfig/
Place alert_hole.service in /usr/lib/systemd/system/
Run as root:
systemctl daemon-reload
- In alert_hole/alert_hole.conf add user agent string under the ua_strings nested hash. See alert_hole.conf.example.
- Instruct external vendor to call <url>/alert/<msg> with their preferred method.
Curl example:
curl --user-agent "TheeTah8quezie0dielieyeSai6zoot9ainootheicahyeuj1iesahdohyoo2Eib" -f https://<url>/alert/test%20test%20test
<msg> will be written to logs/alert_hole-<vendor>.log and can be monitored by some internal monitoring application or forwarded to ELK..
If changes have been made to the code, reload hypnotoad as the AlertHole user with:
hypnotoad script/alert_hole
As root the service may be bumped with systemd:
systemctl start alert_hole
None at the moment. Pull requests are welcome.