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Expo Started Kit with Redux and React Navigation 5 Setup

This project is being made as a started kit to help developers get started with Expo and redux and react navigation.

Few components i have made to ease the development process such as Single Sign On, MapView and Infinite Scroll.

The project has Stack, Bottom Tab and Drawer navigator setup built in to choose from.

To get started:


  1. Install Xcode
  2. Install Android Studio
git clone
npm install -g expo-cli

Go inside the Project directory after cloning and type:

npm install

To Run in local Simulator:

expo start -c

To Publish and test in your local device

expo publish --release-channel <name>

Once you receive a publish link scan the QR from your expo app installed on your ios or android and enjoy!!!!

Ill keep adding components here whenever i get time. If you like this project use it as your starter kit and drop me a thanks on [email protected]


If you like my work and if my product has helped you in your development please feel free to give a shoutout:


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Made for developers and designers by Rajdeep Chandra. Tip me on Patreon.