Subway is an HPC job management and automation tool. It is designed for HPC users who are tired of sbtach
again and again or fail to recall the input and binary versions for given output.
By utilizing subway, the whole HPC project running from days to months can be as simple as one liner subway run
pip install hpcsubway
python3 install
or use directly by only
export SUBWAY_PATH=/abs/dir/for/bin
as well asexport SUBWAY_PYTHON=python of your choice
, default ispython3
mkdir demo && cd demo
subway debug setup rgd
subway run
pip install sphnix
cd docs
make html
The generated html docs are living in subway/docs/_build/html
Or just check the online doc hosted in readthedocs.
pip install pytest
# or if you have slurm installed
pytest --slurm
You can also test full sets in docker if you don't have slurm configured