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Restaurant review app

My first react-native app built following an Egghead tutorial. Mind the refreshed notification on the bottom. That is due to using a .json database to write all the changes to. Since the .json file is in the same structure as the rest of the code any time I do a CRUD on it, Watchman renders a refresh.

Getting Started/ Installing

Clone the repo to your local machine.

In root folder of the project run

 yarn or npm install

Then navigate to /server folder and again:

yarn or npm install

This is because we have a dummy, simple and small node server in here too to aid with fetching list of restaurants and simulate adding/editinga and updating a review.


Make sure you have these to make the app run:

Running the project

  • run yarn server which will run a nodemon instance of the node api server
  • in another terminal run expo start which will run expo client - after the thing loads press i to open it in simulator in MacOS


If you're feeling adventurous or want to copy this project and build on it, you would probably be happy to find that I exported all http requests that my api currently supports. Open Postman and import the postman_collection.json file and viola!


Main goal was to learn how react-native works - architecture, functions... This didn't include learning how to deploy. Furthermore, I couldn't start the project with react-native run-ios after I added any type of navigation module - react-native-navigation or react-navigation. Both of these required me to run pod install which broke my project completely and threw a ton of Xcode related problems. I followed tutorials step by step with 0 luck. For that reason I decided to finish the project in Expo just so I can learn react-native and not worry about third party problems caused most likely by new versions or react-native, navigation modules, ios and/or xcode.

Built With

  • React Native - Framework used
  • Expo - Deploying React code on iOS/Android devices with ease


  • Filip Malek - Initial work - REX500


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details



React Native app. First RN app I built!







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