Minecraft: v1.21.3
Servers: Paper, Pufferfish, Purpur or any other stable paper fork.
Spigot or modded hybrids will most *likely* work, but will recieve no support. If you're still using spigot, it is HIGHLY recommend you upgrade to Paper
- Have different drop rates for each mob
- Prevent certain mobs from dropping their spawn egg*
- Increase the drop rates when using looting enchant
- Prevent
- Disable in certain worlds
*Note: Only supports mobs that have valid spawn eggs. Full list can be found here
# +----------------------------------------------------------+ #
# | qMobsDropEggs Config | #
# | Source: https://github.com/QarthO/qMobsDropEggs/ | #
# | Download: https://modrinth.com/plugin/qMobsDropEggs/ | #
# | Donate: https://quartzdev.gg/donate/ | #
# +----------------------------------------------------------+ #
version: 1.0.0
check-updates: true
# Will only drop an egg if killed by a player
requires-player-killer: true
# Will check if the player has the permission: 'qmde.player'
killer-requires-permission: true
# Mobs won't drop eggs if their spawn reason matches anything in this list
# If you want this empty set this to >> blacklist-spawn-reasons: []
# SpawnReason List: https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.16/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html
# If set to true, this will treat the above spawn-reason list as a whitelist
invert-blacklisted-spawn-reasons: false
# Name of the world where the plugin will be disabled
- hub
- creative
# Should the drop chance be increased by looting
# Each level of looting adds 1% to the drop-chance
factor-looting: true
# Changes the drop chance calculation when factoring in looting
# But only if it is below the breakpoint
# Now final drop chance = drop chance * (1 + looting level)
# Example: drop chance of .05% with looting 3
# 0.05% * (1 + 3) = .2%
# complex-looting only makes sense for smaller numbers you want to keep small
# factor-looting must be set to true
complex-looting: true
complex-looting-breakpoint: 1
# The odds of a spawn egg from dropping when a player kills a mob
# 1 would be 1% chance, (supports decimals)
default: 1
# Prevent certain mobs from dropping spawn eggs
# Spawn Egg list: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Spawn_Egg
# EntityType format: https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.20/org/bukkit/entity/EntityType.html
This plugin uses bStats. You can opt-out in the bStats config