A C++ implementation of a 2-SAT solver. It constructs an implication graph from the 2-SAT clauses and uses Tarjan's Algorithm to find Strongly Connected Components (SCCs).
2-SAT is a special case of Boolean satisfiability where each clause contains exactly two literals. The goal is to determine whether there exists a valid truth assignment that satisfies all clauses. An implication graph is constructed and then the strongly connected components (SCC) are found:
- If a variable and its negation are in the same SCC, return unsatisfiable.
- Otherwise, return satisfiable.
Finding Valid Assignments:
- If no contradictions exist, SCCs are processed in reverse topological order to assign values.
This problem can be efficiently solved in
Starting with a CNF of exactly two literals in every clause.
Each variable is identified by its subscript (e.g.
formula = {{1, 2}, {-2, 3}, {-1, -2}, {3, 4}, {-3, 5}, {-4, -5}, {-3, 4}};
For a clause like
$\neg x \to y$ $\neg y \to x$
Afterwards, Tarjan's Algorithm is used to find SCCs. If a variable and its negation appear in the same SCC, they are mutually dependent (a contradiction) meaning the formula is unsatisfiable.
This approach handles 2-SAT formulae using a single DFS pass.
SAT is <3