You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 53
In general, API-breaking changes are only introduced for new major releases (e.g. 0.2.5 to 0.3).
Any changes made after limework fork 0.6.5+ are subject to be removed but Bungeecord version should be backward compatible with RedisBungee 0.5 pre fork.
Since RedisBungee uses jitpack, we need to setup jitpack repository in the project
- maven
- gradle (kotlin dsl)
repositories {
We need to import the RedisBungee-Bungee Module
- maven
- Gradle kotlin dsl
then in your project plugin.yml add RedisBungee
to depends
like this
name: "yourplugin"
main: your.main.class
version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
author: idk
depends: [ RedisBungee ]
- maven
- gradle (kotlin dsl)
then to make your plugin depends on RedisBungee, make sure your plugin class Annotation have @Dependency(id = "redisbungee")
like this
id = "myplugin",
name = "My Plugin",
version = "0.1.0-beta",
dependencies = {
@Dependency(id = "redisbungee")
public class PluginMainClass {
Each platform got it own RedisBungeeAPI class for example velocity' which implements AbstractRedisBungeeAPI
RedisBungeeAPI api = RedisBungeeAPI.getRedisBungeeApi();
int playerCount = api.getPlayerCount(); // network players count
String proxyId = api.getProxyId(); // Current proxy id
// lets kick a player in the network, message uses Adventure api component class
UUID player = api.getUuidFromName("Ham1255"); // uses uuid cache if username for uuid exists
api.kickPlayer(player, Component.text("lmao, you got kicked"));
// you can view classes / java docs for more info about methods in API
this should return non closeable version of unifiedjedis, so we don't need api users to kill the connection to the db
UnifiedJedis jedis = RedisBungeeAPI.getRedisBungeeApi().getSummoner().obtainResource();
note: that UnifiedJedis is Parent class of most Jedis stuff like JedisPooled and JedisCluster.
Because RedisBungee shades and relocates the jedis lib we need to make our plugin relocated to package path
an example for Gradle shadow in kotlin dsl:
plugins {
id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "8.1.1" // load the gradle shadow
group = "org.example1"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
repositories {
maven {
name = "sonatype"
url = uri("https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public/")
maven {
name = "papermc-repo"
url = uri("https://repo.papermc.io/repository/maven-public/")
maven {
url = uri("https://jitpack.io")
dependencies {
tasks {
compileJava {
options.encoding = Charsets.UTF_8.name()
// this is for relocation
shadowJar {
relocate("redis.clients.jedis", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.jedis")
relocate("redis.clients.util", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.jedisutil")
relocate("com.google.common", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.common")
relocate("com.google.errorprone", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.errorprone")
relocate("com.google.gson", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.gson")
relocate("com.google.j2objc", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.j2objc")
relocate("com.google.thirdparty", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.com.google.thirdparty")
relocate("net.kyori", "com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.internal.net.kyori")
example for Maven only the shade part:
- API: https://ci.limework.net/ValioBungee/api/build/docs/javadoc/
- Velocity: https://ci.limework.net/ValioBungee/proxies/velocity/velocity-api/build/docs/javadoc/
- Bungeecord: https://ci.limework.net/ValioBungee/proxies/bungeecord/bungeecord-api/build/docs/javadoc/
From Bukkit, you can access some RedisBungee functionality via the plugin messaging API. RedisBungee listens on its own plugin messaging channels
- 'legacy:redisbungee' or 'redisbungee' for pre 1.13
- RedisBungee
and expects all messages in Data{Input,Output}Stream format.
Sending messages
ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
player.sendPluginMessage(MyPlugin.getInstance(), "RedisBungee", out.toByteArray());
Deserializing ServerPlayers results
private Multiset<String> deserializeNoMembers(ByteArrayDataInput input) {
int collectionSize = input.readInt();
Multiset<String> multiset = HashMultiset.create();
for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize; i++) {
String in = input.readUTF();
int cnt = input.readInt();
multiset.setCount(in, cnt);
return multiset;
private Multimap<String, String> deserializeWithMembers(ByteArrayDataInput input) {
int collectionSize = input.readInt();
Multimap<String, String> multimap = HashMultimap.create();
for (int i = 0; i < collectionSize; i++) {
String in = input.readUTF();
int cnt = input.readInt();
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < cnt; i1++) {
String in2 = input.readUTF();
multimap.put(in, in2);
return multimap;
- Player
- Username or UUID (Java or Mojang-style)
Subchannel | Arguments | Response | Notes |
PlayerList | Server or ALL | The command returned (but see the notes), then a comma-separated list of players. | Due to a bug (fixed in 0.3.2), the first string of the response was Players, not PlayerList. |
PlayerCount | Server or ALL | The command returned, then the number of players found. | |
LastOnline | See Definitions
The command returned, then a long specified by the output of the getLastOnline() API. | |
Proxy | none | The command returned, then the proxy's name | Introduced in 0.3.6 (June 29, 2015) |
ServerPlayers | COUNT or PLAYERS | The command returned, then the type specified, then a serialized multimap | Introduced in 0.3.6 (June 29, 2015) |
RedisBungee supports Redis PubSub. PUBLISH a command to
no longer needed to register a channel after 0.12.0 due switch to streamsredisbungee-allservers
to a BungeeCord command on all servers, or redisbungee-<SERVERID>
to invoke the command on just one server. You can also listen on a separate PubSub channel and handle the PubSubMessageEvent event for it, starting with RedisBungee 0.3. See the registerPubSubChannels(), unregisterPubSubChannels() and PubSubMessageEvent.
If you are invoking a command, make sure that the sender is an instance of RedisBungeeCommandSender
While this is possible, doing so will cause problems when RedisBungee's data schema changes (which is sometimes quite often). A good example of this is the 0.2.x to 0.3.x transition, when UUIDs were stored instead of usernames. RedisBungee does everything humanely possible to hide its internals from other plugins, so backend changes can be made with ease.