This is a sample Project developed to demonstrate an end to end web application built using flask API's and Angular as client side framework.
- Python 3.6
- MongoDB
- Angular
Install the required software. Clone the source code into a folder and follow the steps below:
- Open the angular application folder (demo) in the command prompt and run the following command to install dependencies: "npm i"
- To host the client side code locally run the following command: "ng serve" This should host the code locally in port 4200 by default.
- Open the server side code in a command prompt and run the following command to install the required python modules. "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Run the following command to insert initial data into DB: "python"
- Start the flask server by running the following command" "python"
- Create a folder anywhere for local DB storage.
- Navigate to the folder where MongoDB is installed and move into the bin folder.
- Open a command prompt in that location and run the following command to start the MongoDB server: "mongod --dbpath <path_of_the_local_folder_created>"
- For easy access, install ROBO3T for viewing the DB data.