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Daisy's Cakes

Full Stack MERN website for local small business "Daisy's Cakes"!


The purpose of this project was to collaboratively build a real-world, full-stack, MERN web application that demonstrates everything we have learned over the last several months in our bootcamp. For a full list of the various libraries, packages, and technologies utilized for this project, please refer to the Technologies section below.

For this project we decided to partner up with a local business owner in order to build a website for her company, Daisy's Cakes. Because of this, we had to take her ideas and desires for the website into consideration. We would then take her ideas and turn them into reality, implementing them on the website.

The live website can be accessed by clicking here.

Table of Contents


Please be sure to carefully follow the installation instructions.

  1. This app is powered by Node.js and MongoDb, as a result, make sure those are properly installed and configured before continuing on.
  2. Navigate to the root of this repo and run npm install in your console/terminal to download all the necessary files.
  3. Create a .env file in the root of the /server folder. Within this file, copy and paste the following:

This application utilizes EmailJS for the the automatic email form You must create an account on the website and input your credentials in the format below. If you do not wish to use the EmailJS functionality then step 4 can be skipped

  1. Change the value of the ADMIN variables to whatever you want your administrator login for the website to be. 5. Navigate to the /client folder and create a new file in the root called .env. Within this file, copy and paste the following:
  1. In your console/terminal, execute npm run seed from the root of your repo to seed the database.
  2. You are now ready to run the application by running npm run develop.


Below is a list of all the technologies we utilized in order to build this website.




This section will be deleted later when the project is completed. For now here are some resources we might need

  • Link to Google Drive with cake images

  • Daisy's Instagram page

  • SASS / SCSS Documentation

  • Be sure to configure your linter so we have code uniformity. You can also run npm run lint from within the /client folder or /server folder to fix any syntax anamolies!


Below are various screenshots of the website:


If you have any questions or comments, please contact any of us below:

Gilberto Escobedo

Github: n7-gil

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Gilberto Escobedo

Anthony Quinones

Github: TonyQ032

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Anthony Quinones

Christian McIlvenny

Github: TDGNate

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Christian McIlvenny

Cesar Infante

Github: Cesar-Infante

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Cesar Infante

Nguyen Doan

Github: NguyenDoan85

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Eric Doan

Copyright © 2022 Daisy's Cakes - All Rights Reserved