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PiSugar BLE wifi config tool. This is a BLE GATT server to config raspberry pi wifi.

Wifi configuration is not an easy job with raspberry pi. When you bring pi to an unfamiliar place, having no keyboard, no display, it is not possible to reconfigure the rpi's wifi.

pisugar-wifi-config makes it easy to talk to rpi via BLE and setup the wifi configuration. Your rpi could be discovered by BLE advertisement, then configurated by pushing a simple SSID/password message.

NOTE 1: Users need to launch PiSugar wechat mini program to communicate with pisugar-wifi-config. NOTE 2: Only WPA-PSK is supported.


Build and package

sudo bash


Install bluez

sudo apt install bluez

Old bluez in the raspberry repository need to enable experimental features to support GATT. If you don't want to enable experimental features, compile and install a newer version of bluez from source.

sudo sed -e 's|ExecStart=.*|ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --experimental|g'
    -i /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart bluetooth

Download pisugar-wifi-config_<version>.deb from , and install

sudo dpkg -i pisugar-wifi-config_<version>.deb

Security consideration

GATT server stops advertising after 5 miniutes since lunached. To adjust the advertising duration, edit /lib/systemd/system/pisugar-wifi-config.server, add -t <seconds>, e.g.

# 600 seconds
sudo sed -e 's|ExecStart=.*|ExecStart=/usr/bin/pisugar-wifi-config -t 600|g' \
    -i /lib/systemd/system/pisugar-wifi-config.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart pisugar-wifi-config

If advertising duration less or equal than 0, GATT server would never stop advertising.

Bug report

Report bugs here:
