Simple Grep
Simple recursive file and pattern search via regex patterns
todo add more examples
- list everything in the current directory
sg . .
- find all python or rust files in the 'src' directory that contain the word 'main' or 'init' in their filename
sg "main|init" .\src\ -e rs py
- find all files in the current directory that contain the words 'fixme' or 'todo'
- search case insensitively
sg . . -g "todo|fixme" -i
- count all txt-files in the 'document' directory
sg . .\Documents -e txt -c
Usage: sg [REGEX] [PATH] [OPTIONS]
examples, --examples Show examples
log, -L, --log Show content of the log file
syntax, -S, --syntax Show regex syntax information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
[REGEX] [PATH] Add a search regex and a path for the file search
-i, --case-insensitive Search case insensitively
-c, --count Only print the number of search results
-D, --depth <NUMBER> Set max search depth [default: 1000000]
-d, --dir Search only in directory names for the given regex [aliases: directory, directories]
-e, --extensions <EXTENSIONS>... Only search in files with the given extensions [aliases: extensions, ext]
-E, --exclude <REGEX>... Exclude regex patterns from the search
-f, --file Search only in filenames for the regex [aliases: files]
-g, --grep <REGEX> Search for specific regex pattern in files
-m, --matching-files Only show the relevant files that contain the grep regex pattern, without printing the actual matching lines [aliases: matches]
-H, --no-hidden Exclude hidden files and directories from search
-r, --raw Don`t colourize the search output and speed up the output printing
--show-errors Show possible filesystem errors [aliases: show-error]
-s, --stats Show short search statistics at the end [aliases: statistic, statistics]
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')
-V, --version Print version
Usage: sg [REGEX] [PATH] [OPTIONS]
examples, --examples Show examples
log, -L, --log Show content of the log file
syntax, -S, --syntax Show regex syntax information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Add a search regex and a path for the file search
-i, --case-insensitive
Search case insensitively
-c, --count
Only print the number of search results
Can be combined with the --stats flag to only show stats
When used with the --grep flag the first output is the number of files containing at least one match
The second number is the overall number of matches
-D, --depth <NUMBER>
Set max search depth
[default: 1000000]
-d, --dir
Search only in directory names for the given regex
[aliases: directory, directories]
-e, --extensions <EXTENSIONS>...
Only search in files with the given extensions
Must be provided after the regex and the search path
[aliases: extensions, ext]
-E, --exclude <REGEX>...
Exclude regex patterns from the search
Must be provided after the regex and the search path
-f, --file
Search only in filenames for the regex
[aliases: files]
-g, --grep <REGEX>
Search for specific regex pattern in files
-m, --matching-files
Only show the relevant files that contain the grep regex pattern, without printing the actual matching lines
Can only be used together with the 'grep' flag
[aliases: matches]
-H, --no-hidden
Exclude hidden files and directories from search
If a directory is hidden, all its content will be skiped as well
-r, --raw
Focus on performance
Don`t colourize the search output
Write the output via BufWriter
Print raw filepaths
Show possible filesystem errors
For example for situations such as insufficient permissions
[aliases: show-error]
-s, --stats
Show short search statistics at the end
Can be combined with the --count flag to only show stats
Output: ['elapsed time' 'searched number of files' 'errors' 'file search hits' 'grep hits']
[aliases: statistic, statistics]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version