A Swift wrapper to use libogg api.
Intension of this project is to support any application with a platform independend XCFramework that can be integrated in Swift projects via CocoaPod or Swift Package Manager.
It supports iOS devices and simulators (version 14+) and macOS (versions 10.10+).
The supported version of libogg API is 1.3.5.
After integration use
import OggKit
in your Swift code.
The Cocoa Podfile of a project using this framework, should look like
platform :ios, '14.0'
target 'some-app' do
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
pod 'OggKit'
The Package.swift using this framework should look like
dependencies: [
name: "OggKit",
url: "[email protected]:tethridge/ogg-swift.git",
from: "1.3.5"),
If you are updating the source to a new version of libogg, these are the steps to publish a new release of this xcframework
- Download the source from https://xiph.org/downloads/ for libogg
- Unzip the library and copy the source files into include and src directories
- Delete existing version of OggKit.xcframework.zip from root directory
- Update the version in Config.xcconfig
- Run build script in the root directory. This will build the new xcframework and zip it up.
- Run compute-checksum.sh script to get the new checksum for the zipped xcframework.
- Update the version and checksum in Package.swift
- Update the podspec file with the new version and path to zipped framework
- Check in changes to git and push to origin repo
- Create a release with the new version
This project is under MIT license. It makes use of the sources for ogg from xiph.org/downloads. Ogg is licensed under the New BSD License. See the LICENSE file.