Data Engineer @ Descomplica 🇧🇷
I've graduated in Mechanical Engineering, from the University of São Paulo, but, since before that I've been working in data. I've began learning Python and machine learning concepts from my first year in university, in 2017, and since then, my interest in programming always grew. My ultimate passion is sharing knowledge, so for many years I've worked on building projects that could help me on that goal, including teaching and writing a science communication blog. Currently most of my free time goes into builiding a basis of knowledge that will allow me to create an avenue for teaching concepts in STEM, I've many plans for the future, and hope to share all that soon.
I'm passionate about open-source, and try to use and support FOSS always, thus am open to contributing with any such project. Besides that, I'd love to help out on more mathematical focused projects (Such as optimization problems and simulations) and data analysis. If you want to talk, just hit me up in my LinkedIn !
My day job is as a Data Engineer, at an brazilian education company, Descomplica. I work daily with Python, SQL, GCP, Bash, Docker, Airflow and UNIX systems. I'm also learning Rust on my free time, so that could pop off now and again over here!
As stated, I've worked professionally on developing in (but no included to) data, so under my belt I've dozens of projects on automation, optmization of processes, Extracting-Treating-Loading pipelines, Writing complex Data Analysis reports, creating Machine Learning projects, developing algorithms, creating bots (For plataforms like Telegram and Slack) and data visualization. I also have worked on minor projects for myself, especially data analysis and automation. One project I've worked on my free time, of which i'm particularly proud, was on automating a pipeline consisting of extracting unstructured data from a PDF file (Including turning it into a text file and then developing multiple complex RegEx codes to get exaclty the data I's interested in - Working with PDFs is notoriously dificult), treating them, because they had multiple date formats and more than one currency, and finally loading them into an excel sheet. This process was made to automate a common work problem for my lovely lawyer girlfriend.
Okay, so that was all I had to say that was somewhat interesting. Now, to the part that you may skip without worrying: My likes and dislikes!
Most of the time I'm doing that which I've described on the other sections, but I also regularly tinker with audio gear and with 3D printing. I've an Ender 3 3D printer, that I use to solve small inconviniences in the lifes of the people around me and a plethora of audio gear, my favorite IEM is the Ikko OH10 (or Obsidian). I enjoy working out and running/walking around the city. I also love playing video-games, though that isn't something I do much anymore, between my favorite games, I can cite Disco Elysium, Half-Life and Deus Ex. My favorite show is Seinfeld, with whom, according to that lovely girlfriend I've talked about, I share many mannerisms. I try reading everyday before going to bed and my favorite genre is science communication.