DDL Scripts and procedures for building and maintaining dates on snowflake. The procedures are in JavaScript as the SQL based stored procedures were quite limited in capability when this was written. The date dimension script uses a Start Date and End Date value to generate the number of days between them. A flag can either repopulate or append to an existing date dimension table values.
There is a rollover procedure that can be scheduled as a task to keep updating the current date and associated timeperiods. Setup date rollover as a snowflake task as below
SCHEDULE = 'USING CRON 0 3 * * * Pacific/Auckland'
USER_TASK_TIMEOUT_MS = 900000 -- 15 minutes
COMMENT = 'Daily Task for rolling date dimension'
CALL {{ schema }}.ROLL_DIM_DATE();
There is an execute & logging procedure for snowflake JS stored procedures and some ddls for these tables. If you find a bug, ask nicely and I will attempt to fix it.