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Piotr Dzoć edited this page Dec 23, 2022 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Allotment 3D wiki!

You will find here more information about project - in progress.


Although the game was inspired by Lego Island, the place in Allotment 3D exists in the real world (of course there is no castle or pirate ship ;) ). In Poland, there is something like Polish Allotment Association (Polski Związek Działkowców). The users are not the owners, they pay for using the ground. In the past main goal was farming and producing vegetables and fruits. Older people still produce food, but it is also a place where they can spend their free time outdoor. Younger people usually invite friends and make barbeque. In the game you can see the simplified model of my parent's allotment.

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During creating this project I found LDraw system. I decided to use it to build all objects, because it's easier than coding cubes and shapes in three.js and brings many other possibilities.

Concept of chase camera for driving comes from stemkoski


Q: why didn't you use collision detection? in the game the player can go through the walls and you can park car inside the hill...

A: I wanted to use it, but applying it consumes too much CPU resources - the game wouldn't be playable with this feature. Writing that I mean my machine, where my nephews can play the game.

  • The game is noticeably slower (lower fps) when the player "looks" at a scene with many elements.
  • The vehicles do move smoothly when accelerating.
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