基于Arduino Uno(Maker Uno), ESP8286 和 LU-ASR01 的可以使用语音,网页和按钮控制开启关闭的智能垃圾桶原型。
A smart trash can prototype based on Arduino Uno (Maker Uno), ESP8286 and LU-ASR01 that can be turned on and off using voice, web and button control.
For the voice control module, we use a microcontroller LU-ASR01 from China. This requires a special IDE named 天问block(tian wen block) to compile the voice control function. The CodeForVoiceControl.hd
script requires 天问Block to open.
For other scripts of Maker Uno or ESP8286, Arduino IDE is the tool we use to develop.
is code folder for ESP8286, which plays the role of the web server;
is the code folder for slave Maker Uno to control servos, buttons
is the code folder for the module to detect whether the garbage is full in the bin.
Demo Video:【物联网项目课程作业|智能语音识别垃圾分类系统|基于Arduino LD3322语音模块 ESP8266 Wi-Fi模块|满溢检测|网页控制】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cG411Y7dN/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=b26700de0028265802bd24b8686c6c8b