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The project is designed to obtain weather via the OpenWeatherMap API. With handy features. :)


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A quick way to get access to weather conditions 🌦.

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Why choose this library?


  1. 🚲 Easy to use - you only need the APIKEY.
  2. 🏝 Built-in geocoding - search for locations by assumed names or by coordinates.
  3. 🩺 Various units of measurement - speed, temperature, pressure and cardinal points.
  4. 🌤 There are original weather icons.
advanced: (Click to open)
  1. 🔮 At least one release application is already based on this package. Therefore, there is an additional guarantee of security and timely updates of this package.
  2. 🔓 There is a method for checking your api for correctness.
  3. 🧱 It is very easy to customize data models. Create your own data models and take only what you need from the built-in ones.
  4. 🧾 The code is well documented and each class is labeled and decoded. There are unit tests for the main functions of the package.
  5. 🦺 Safe unpacking of types. If the server stops outputting values - your weather model will have a null field and the application will not crash.
  6. 🔧 This package has no unnecessary dependencies and contains minimal code. Also, all platforms are supported.


Let's agree to designate Openweathermap as OWM.

The library uses the following site endpoints
A {Class.method} that uses this endpoint See more
/data/2.5/weather WeatherService.currentWeatherByLocation current
/data/2.5/onecall WeatherService.oneCallWeatherByLocation one-call-api
/data/3.0/onecall WeatherService.oneCallWeatherByLocation one-call-3
/geo/1.0/direct GeocodingService.getLocationByCityName geocoding-direct
/geo/1.0/reverse GeocodingService.getLocationByCoordinates geocoding-reverse
/geo/1.0/zip GeocodingService.getLocationByZipAndCountryCode geocoding-direct_zip

Table of Contents


  1. Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml:
      weather_pack: ^<latest_version>
  2. Run the command: flutter pub get
  3. Use in your code:
    import 'package:weather_pack/weather_pack.dart';
  4. *Additionally, pull package locally to examine example folder:
    flutter pub unpack
    • weather_in_console - Dart console application
    • create_code_for_readme - all examples from current manual
    • example - easy use

Getting Started

The easiest way to get the current weather:

Future<void> main() async {
  const api = 'YOUR_APIKEY'; // TODO: change to your openweathermap APIkey
  final wService = WeatherService(api);

  // get the current weather in Amsterdam
  final WeatherCurrent currently = await wService.currentWeatherByLocation(
      latitude: 52.374, longitude: 4.88969);

You can also change the request language:

final lang = WeatherLanguage.arabic;

final wService = WeatherService(api, language: lang);
Supported languages: (Click to open)
  1. Afrikaans
  2. Albanian
  3. Arabic
  4. Azerbaijani
  5. Bulgarian
  6. Catalan
  7. Czech
  8. Danish
  9. German
  10. Greek
  11. English
  12. Basque
  13. Persian
  14. Farsi
  15. Finnish
  16. French
  17. Galician
  18. Hebrew
  19. Hindi
  20. Croatian
  21. Hungarian
  22. Indonesian
  23. Italian
  24. Japanese
  25. Korean
  26. Latvian
  27. Latvian
  28. Macedonian
  29. Norwegian
  30. Dutch
  31. Polish
  32. Portuguese
  33. Português Brasil
  34. Romanian
  35. Russian
  36. Swedish
  37. Slovak
  38. Slovenian
  39. Spanish
  40. Serbian
  41. Thai
  42. Turkish
  43. Ukrainian
  44. Vietnamese
  45. Chinese Simplified
  46. Chinese Traditional
  47. Zulu

According to OWM service (See more):

You can use the lang parameter to get the output in your language.

Translation is applied for the city name and description fields.

Usage weather service

Now there are two weather models - WeatherCurrent and WeatherOneCall.

WeatherOneCall includes:

  1. WeatherCurrent
  2. List<WeatherHourly>
  3. List<WeatherMinutely>
  4. List<WeatherDaily>
  5. List<WeatherAlert>

How to use?

You can get the weather in the following way:

Future<void> getOnecallWeatherWays({String api = 'Your_APIkey'}) async {
  final wService2_5 = WeatherService(api, oneCallApi: OneCallApi.api_2_5);

  final WeatherOneCall onecall2_5 = await wService2_5.oneCallWeatherByLocation(
      latitude: 52.374, longitude: 4.88969);


  // if you use the "One Call API 3.0" subscription that...

  final wService3_0 = WeatherService(api, oneCallApi: OneCallApi.api_3_0);

  final WeatherOneCall onecall3_0 = await wService3_0.oneCallWeatherByLocation(
      latitude: 52.374, longitude: 4.88969);


Why do you only use the weather search by coordinates?

According to the website OWM:

Please use Geocoder API if you need automatic convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around.

Please note that built-in geocoder has been deprecated. Although it is still available for use, bug fixing and updates are no longer available for this functionality.

Usage geocoding service

GeocodingService is a service for easy location search when working with geographical names and coordinates. Supports both the direct and reverse methods:

  • Direct geocoding converts the specified name of a location or zip/post code into the exact geographical coordinates;
  • Reverse geocoding converts the geographical coordinates into the names of the nearby locations;

You can find out more at this link: Geocoding API OpenWeather

How to use?

Create GeocodingService in the following way:

final String cityName = 'suggested location name';
final String apiKey = 'your api key for OWM';

final GeocodingService gService = GeocodingService(apiKey);

To find using place names use direct geocoding:

final List<PlaceGeocode> places = await gService.getLocationByCityName(cityName);

or use reverse geocoding:

final List<PlaceGeocode> places = await gService.getLocationByCoordinates(
    latitude: 52.374, longitude: 4.88969);

To find using country code and zip code use zip geocoding:

final PlaceGeocode place = await gService.getLocationByZipAndCountryCode(
  zipCode: 'E14',
  countryCode: 'GB',

Usage units measure

By default, all weather models, e.g. WeatherCurrent, have measurable values of type double. To display the data in a convenient format, it is necessary use the conversion method value or valueToString:

void worksTempUnits({
  double temp = 270.78, // ex. received from [WeatherCurrent.temp]
  int precision = 3,
  Temp unitsMeasure = Temp.celsius,
}) {
  // The default temperature is measured in Kelvin of the `double` type.
  // We need the temperature to be displayed in Celsius to 3 decimal places

  print(unitsMeasure.value(temp, precision)); // `-2.37` type `double`
  print(unitsMeasure.valueToString(temp, precision)); // `-2.370` type `String`

  // if precision is 0:
  print(unitsMeasure.value(temp, 0)); // `-2.0` type `double`
  print(unitsMeasure.valueToString(temp, 0)); // `-2` type `String`

By and large, the valueToString() method is needed to display correctly in ui, and the value() method is for accurate calculations.

There are several units of measurement:

Units of measure Class Supported units Conversion
Temperature Temp kelvin, celsius, fahrenheit +
Speed Speed ms, mph, kph +
Pressure Pressure hectoPa, mbar, mmHg, kPa, atm, inHg +
Cardinal points SideOfTheWorld n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw +(another)

💡 Tip: The SideOfTheWorld enum contains a static method fromDegrees() for converting degrees to cardinal directions.

Exception handling

Each of the methods in the WeatherService and GeocodingService services can throw an OwmApiException exception. You can process them as follows:

void exceptionHandling() async {
  final wService = WeatherService('bRoKen_aPi');

  WeatherCurrent? current;
  try {
    current =
        await wService.currentWeatherByLocation(latitude: 1, longitude: 1);
  } on OwmApiException catch (e, s) {

Usage custom client

For GeocodingService and WeatherService you can create a custom OWMBuilder for debugging and logging cases:

class OWMBuilderCustom extends OWMBuilder {
  /// We output the url to the console for debugging and logging
  Future<T> getData<T>(
      {required Uri uri, required T Function(dynamic data) builder}) {
    return super.getData(uri: uri, builder: builder);

void workOwmBuilder({
  String api = 'your_apikey',
}) async {
  final customOWMBuilder = OWMBuilderCustom();
  final gService = GeocodingService(api, owmBuilder: customOWMBuilder);

  final List<PlaceGeocode> places = await gService.getLocationByCoordinates(
      latitude: 52.374, longitude: 4.88969);


For OWMTestService you can create a custom Client. A more low-level way, would require an explicit dependency on the http package:

class CustomClient extends IOClient {
  /// We output the url to the console
  Future<Response> get(Uri url, {Map<String, String>? headers}) {
    return super.get(url, headers: headers);

/// We output the url to the console for debugging
void workCustomClient({
  String api = 'your_apikey',
}) async {
  final customClient = CustomClient();
  final testService = OWMTestService(api, customClient);

  final bool isValidKey = await testService.isValidApikey();


Usage weather icons

You can use weather icons provided by the OWM service. See more about weather conditions.

Icons are stored locally in this package at the path assets/weather_icons/. They are ordered according to Declaring resolution-aware image assets. This reflects the following correspondences:

100*100 - in default(implied resolution @1)
200x200 - @2
300x300 - @3
400x400 - @4

with the preservation of image quality.

How to use?

Get the weather icon in a safe way:

Image getWeatherIcon(String weatherIcon) {
  return Image.asset(
    filterQuality: FilterQuality.high, // optional
    package: ImagePathWeather.packageName,

or to process it completely by hand:

Widget getWeatherIcon(WeatherCurrent weather) {
  return Image.asset(
    'assets/weather_icons/${weather.weatherIcon}.png', // icon path
    package: 'weather_pack', // name package
    filterQuality: FilterQuality.high, // optional
    errorBuilder: (c, e, s) => Text(e), // will return the widget in case of an error

In this case, you can use the best quality regardless of platform resolution by specifying @4 to path:


API key testing

It is possible to test the API key. To do this, the OWMTestService class has a method isValidApikeyForOneCall:

/// If the apikey is valid, `OWMApiTest` methods will return `true`
Future<void> testAPIkey({
  String testedAPIkey = 'your_apikey',
}) async {
  // checking key for geocoding service and for (fetching WeatherCurrent)
  final bool isValid = await OWMTestService(testedAPIkey).isValidApikey();

  // checking key for "One Call API 2.5" service (fetching WeatherOneCall)
  final bool isValidOneCall2 = await OWMTestService(testedAPIkey)

  // or
  // checking key for "One Call by Call 3.0" service (fetching WeatherOneCall)
  final bool isValidOneCall3 = await OWMTestService(testedAPIkey)


Feel free to suggest materials for inclusion in this list ^_~


You can contact me or check out my activities on the following platforms:

Made with ❤️. Enjoy it!


Feel free to contribute to this project.

If you find a bug or want a feature, but don't know how to fix/implement it, please fill an issue.

If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a pull request. Use dev branch for this.

🏷 tags: weather, openWeather, openweathermap, weather forecast, metcast, W/F, reverse/direct geocoding, units measure, temperature, pressure, speed


The project is designed to obtain weather via the OpenWeatherMap API. With handy features. :)






