Contains files associated with the following questions at MMSE:
: Interfacing MRCC with CFOUR for dynamic polarizability/1780
: How to automatically plot atomic structures with magnetic moments?/1903
: Is it possible to do TD-DFT/6-31G+(d,p) calculations on a laptop?/2415
: How to get potential energy surface from GAMESS?/3794
: Which software is good with generally contracted basis sets?/4026
: Smearing and charge balance for tungsten with interstitial oxygen in Quantum ESPRESSO/4701
: Pressure applied DFT calculations in Quantum ESPRESSO/4957
: Can I run an nscf calculation in Quantum ESPRESSO with disk_io='none'?/5040
: Script to generate input files for benchmark purpose/6862
: Error in nscf calculation while considering Spin Orbit Coupling in Quantum ESPRESSO/9511
: How to merge two files (molecule structure and file property) into one?/9743
: Restarting an FCI calculation in PySCF/10048
: Interstitial charge from a cube file: Need help in python coding/10277
: Why does CCSD work, but not CCSD(T), after reading an FCIDUMP in PySCF?. QC Bugs: Issue022.
Also files associated with the following questions on Meta MMSE:
Also files associated with proposals for the MMSE Logo: