MenuGen is a school project that solves an eternal issue : What are we going to eat tonight?
To solve this issue, MenuGen asks you a few questions about your morphology, your food tastes and allergies or diets, before generating well-balanced meals for the next week!
First, we setup MenuGen:
- Scrape recipes on the internet, storing the ingredients along with the steps to cook it
- Match the ingredients to OpenFoodFacts to evaluate the nutritional value of each recipe
- Store these in a
database and wait for users
Then, when you want to generate a meal:
- Create an account, entering basic morphological informations that let us calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate
- Match this calorie count to the WHO nutritional recommendations to derive your needs in proteins/carbs/fats
- Run a Genetical Algorithm that will iterate on potential menus based on your tastes and diet to optimize the nutritional value of your meals
- Display the result in a nice dashboard where you can remove dishes, reorder meals, print a shopping list, etc.
For now there is no hosted instance of MenuGen. If you want to run it on your machine, follow these steps:
Install the following packages: python3 python3-pip
Then run from the root of the project:
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To disable the python virtual environment, run deactivate
cd application
Install Bower + Grunt:
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
Install Assets:
npm install && bower install
Compile Assets:
Initialize and configure the development database:
./ makemigrations
./ migrate
Create your super user:
./ createsuperuser
First check if you're using the virtualenv. If not, run
source .venv/bin/activate
Then you can run the server with
./ runserver
- project root -
- administration interface -
When models are edited, you must compute the necessary migrations from your database state, then migrate with
./ makemigrations
./ migrate
Load initial data (so far the ingredients):
./ loaddata initial_data
Note: initial_data is reloaded every migration
Create a fixture (snapshot from the data currently in the database):
./ dumpdata > menus/fixtures/myfixture.json
Load a fixture:
./ loaddata myfixture
Fill ingredients directly from the csv:
./ fill_db