Docker Image CI #454
This run and associated checks have been archived and are scheduled for deletion.
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1 error and 1 warning
buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apk --no-cache --repository= add ca-certificates gettext bash curl rsync sudo git icu-data-full libmcrypt nginx supervisor postfix unzip php82 php82-bcmath php82-ctype php82-curl php82-dom php82-fpm php82-fileinfo php82-gd php82-iconv php82-intl php82-json php82-mbstring php82-common php82-mysqlnd php82-opcache php82-openssl php82-pcntl php82-pecl-apcu php82-pecl-lzf php82-pecl-zstd php82-pdo php82-pdo_mysql php82-phar php82-posix php82-redis php82-session php82-simplexml php82-soap php82-sodium php82-sockets php82-tokenizer php82-xml php82-xmlreader php82-xmlwriter php82-xsl php82-zip && addgroup nginx postdrop && postalias /etc/postfix/aliases && mkdir /var/log/postfix && sed -ie \"s#include /etc/nginx/http.d/#include /etc/nginx/conf.d/#g\" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf && postconf \"smtputf8_enable = no\" && postconf \"maillog_file=/var/log/postfix/mail.log\" && mkdir /var/www/html && chown nginx:nginx /var/www/html && ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log && ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log && ln -s /usr/bin/php82 /usr/bin/php" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1
The `set-output` command is deprecated and will be disabled soon. Please upgrade to using Environment Files. For more information see: