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JuliaLaunch now checks for existence of wsl.exe
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PGS62 committed Dec 15, 2021
1 parent 4ddf2b5 commit 59bfab4
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Showing 3 changed files with 72 additions and 68 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions vba/JuliaExcel.xlam/AuditSheetComments.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Version Date Time Author Comment
85 15-Dec-2021 12:31 Philip Swannell JuliaLaunch now checks for existence of wsl.exe
84 14-Dec-2021 19:33 Philip Swannell Amended method GetStringLengthLimit. Now returns 256 on Excel 2013.
83 11-Dec-2021 20:09 Philip Swannell No longer test from VBA code if Julie executable is available within WSL.
82 11-Dec-2021 15:25 Philip Swannell No longer assume Revise is available as a package.
Expand Down
139 changes: 71 additions & 68 deletions vba/JuliaExcel.xlam/modMain.bas
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,9 +61,8 @@ End Function
Public Function JuliaLaunch(Optional UseLinux As Boolean, Optional MinimiseWindow As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal CommandLineOptions As String, Optional ByVal Packages As String, _
Optional ByVal BashStatements As String, Optional TimeOut As Long = 30)
Attribute JuliaLaunch.VB_Description = "Launches a local Julia session which ""listens"" to the current Excel session and responds to calls to JuliaEval etc.."
Attribute JuliaLaunch.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n14"

Const WSLExecutable = "C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe"
Dim Command As String
Dim CommsFolderX As String
Dim ErrorFile As String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,63 +113,67 @@ Attribute JuliaLaunch.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n14"
21 LoadFile = LocalTemp() & "\StartUp_" & CStr(GetCurrentProcessId()) & ".jl"

22 If UseLinux Then
23 ErrorFileX = WSLAddress(ErrorFile)
24 FlagFileX = WSLAddress(JuliaFlagFile())
25 CommsFolderX = WSLAddress(LocalTemp())
26 LoadFileX = WSLAddress(LoadFile)
27 If BashStatements <> "" Then
28 LaunchFileNecessary = True
29 BashStatements = BashStatements & vbLf
30 LaunchFile = LocalTemp & "\"
31 LaunchFileX = WSLAddress(LaunchFile)
32 LaunchFileContents = _
23 If Not FileExists(WSLExecutable) Then
24 Throw "Cannot find the WSL executable at '" + WSLExecutable + "'. Check if the file exists and whether read and execute permissions are set user '" & Environ$("USERNAME") & "'"
25 End If

26 ErrorFileX = WSLAddress(ErrorFile)
27 FlagFileX = WSLAddress(JuliaFlagFile())
28 CommsFolderX = WSLAddress(LocalTemp())
29 LoadFileX = WSLAddress(LoadFile)
30 If BashStatements <> "" Then
31 LaunchFileNecessary = True
32 BashStatements = BashStatements & vbLf
33 LaunchFile = LocalTemp & "\"
34 LaunchFileX = WSLAddress(LaunchFile)
35 LaunchFileContents = _
"#!/bin/bash" & vbLf & _
BashStatements & _
JuliaExe & " " & Trim(CommandLineOptions) & " --load """ & LoadFileX & """"
33 SaveTextFile LaunchFile, LaunchFileContents, TristateFalse
34 End If
35 Else
36 FlagFileX = Replace(JuliaFlagFile(), "\", "/")
37 CommsFolderX = Replace(LocalTemp(), "\", "/")
38 ErrorFileX = Replace(ErrorFile, "\", "/")
39 LoadFileX = Replace(LoadFile, "\", "/")
40 End If

41 If UseLinux Then
42 If LaunchFileNecessary Then
43 Command = "wsl """ & LaunchFileX & """ && exit"
44 Else
45 Command = "wsl " & JuliaExe & " " & Trim(CommandLineOptions) & " --load """ & LoadFileX & """"
46 End If
47 Else
48 Command = """" & JuliaExe & """" & " " & Trim(CommandLineOptions) & " --load """ & LoadFileX & """"
49 End If
36 SaveTextFile LaunchFile, LaunchFileContents, TristateFalse
37 End If
38 Else
39 FlagFileX = Replace(JuliaFlagFile(), "\", "/")
40 CommsFolderX = Replace(LocalTemp(), "\", "/")
41 ErrorFileX = Replace(ErrorFile, "\", "/")
42 LoadFileX = Replace(LoadFile, "\", "/")
43 End If

44 If UseLinux Then
45 If LaunchFileNecessary Then
46 Command = "wsl """ & LaunchFileX & """ && exit"
47 Else
48 Command = "wsl " & JuliaExe & " " & Trim(CommandLineOptions) & " --load """ & LoadFileX & """"
49 End If
50 Else
51 Command = """" & JuliaExe & """" & " " & Trim(CommandLineOptions) & " --load """ & LoadFileX & """"
52 End If

Dim LiteralCommand As String
50 LiteralCommand = MakeJuliaLiteral(Command)
51 LiteralCommand = Mid(LiteralCommand, 2, Len(LiteralCommand) - 2)
53 LiteralCommand = MakeJuliaLiteral(Command)
54 LiteralCommand = Mid(LiteralCommand, 2, Len(LiteralCommand) - 2)

Dim i As Long
Dim PackagesArray() As String

'PGS 8 Dec 2021. It's important to make using JuliaExcel be the last "using" statement as I believe that helps avoid "world-age" problems
52 If Packages = "" Then
53 Packages = "Dates," & gPackageName
54 Else
55 Packages = "Dates," & Packages & "," & gPackageName
56 End If
57 PackagesArray = VBA.Split(Packages, ",")

58 For i = LBound(PackagesArray) To UBound(PackagesArray)
59 Select Case PackagesArray(i)
55 If Packages = "" Then
56 Packages = "Dates," & gPackageName
57 Else
58 Packages = "Dates," & Packages & "," & gPackageName
59 End If
60 PackagesArray = VBA.Split(Packages, ",")

61 For i = LBound(PackagesArray) To UBound(PackagesArray)
62 Select Case PackagesArray(i)
Case Else
60 usingStatements = usingStatements & _
63 usingStatements = usingStatements & _
" println(""using " & Trim(PackagesArray(i)) & """)" & vbLf & _
" using " & Trim(PackagesArray(i)) & vbLf
61 End Select
62 Next
64 End Select
65 Next

63 LoadFileContents = _
66 LoadFileContents = _
"try" & vbLf & _
usingStatements & _
" setxlpid(" & CStr(GetCurrentProcessId) & ")" & vbLf & _
Expand All @@ -188,42 +191,42 @@ Attribute JuliaLaunch.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = " \n14"
" rm(""" & FlagFileX & """)" & vbLf & _

64 SaveTextFile LoadFile, LoadFileContents, TristateFalse
67 SaveTextFile LoadFile, LoadFileContents, TristateFalse

65 Set wsh = New WshShell
68 Set wsh = New WshShell

Dim NumBefore As Long
Dim StartTime As Double
66 StartTime = ElapsedTime()
69 StartTime = ElapsedTime()
Dim PartialCaption As String
67 PartialCaption = "serving Excel PID " & CStr(PID)
68 NumBefore = NumWindowsWithCaption(PartialCaption)
70 PartialCaption = "serving Excel PID " & CStr(PID)
71 NumBefore = NumWindowsWithCaption(PartialCaption)

69 wsh.Run Command, IIf(MinimiseWindow, vbMinimizedFocus, vbNormalNoFocus), False
72 wsh.Run Command, IIf(MinimiseWindow, vbMinimizedFocus, vbNormalNoFocus), False
'Unfortunately, if the CommandLineOptions are invalid then Julia does not launch, but the
'call to wsh.Run does not throw an error. Work-around is to count the number of windows whose
'caption contains "Julia 1." before and TIMEOUT seconds after the call to wsh.Run.
70 While FileExists(JuliaFlagFile)
71 Sleep 50
72 If ElapsedTime() - StartTime > TimeOut Then
73 If NumWindowsWithCaption(PartialCaption) <> NumBefore + 1 Then
74 Throw "Julia failed to launch after " + CStr(TimeOut) + " seconds. Check the CommandLineOptions are valid ("
75 End If
76 End If
77 Wend
78 CleanLocalTemp
79 If FileExists(ErrorFile) Then
80 Throw "Julia launched but encountered an error when executing '" & LoadFile & "' the error was: " & ReadTextFile(ErrorFile, TristateFalse)
81 End If
73 While FileExists(JuliaFlagFile)
74 Sleep 50
75 If ElapsedTime() - StartTime > TimeOut Then
76 If NumWindowsWithCaption(PartialCaption) <> NumBefore + 1 Then
77 Throw "Julia failed to launch after " + CStr(TimeOut) + " seconds. Check the CommandLineOptions are valid ("
78 End If
79 End If
80 Wend
81 CleanLocalTemp
82 If FileExists(ErrorFile) Then
83 Throw "Julia launched but encountered an error when executing '" & LoadFile & "' the error was: " & ReadTextFile(ErrorFile, TristateFalse)
84 End If

82 GetHandleFromPartialCaption HwndJulia, WindowPartialTitle
83 WindowTitle = WindowTitleFromHandle(HwndJulia)
85 GetHandleFromPartialCaption HwndJulia, WindowPartialTitle
86 WindowTitle = WindowTitleFromHandle(HwndJulia)

84 JuliaLaunch = "Julia launched in window """ & WindowTitle & """"
87 JuliaLaunch = "Julia launched in window """ & WindowTitle & """"

85 Exit Function
88 Exit Function
86 JuliaLaunch = "#JuliaLaunch (line " & CStr(Erl) + "): " & Err.Description & "!"
89 JuliaLaunch = "#JuliaLaunch (line " & CStr(Erl) + "): " & Err.Description & "!"
End Function

' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down
Binary file modified workbooks/JuliaExcel.xlam
Binary file not shown.

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