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Transportation Splitter

Pyspark app for splitting Overture transportation segments to simplify consuming the data.

Note: This repository and project are experimental. Things are likely change until a stable release, but we will keep the documentation here up-to-date.


Working with multiple connectors and linearly referenced properties can be difficult. The purpose of this notebook is to offer one option in how Overture transportation features can be consumed, by first splitting them into simpler sub-segments.

There are multiple ways this can be done, current behavior is to output for each input segment all its corresponding sub-segments "split" at all its connectors and all between length-relative location references (LRs).

The result is a transportation data set where segments have exactly two connectors, one for each end, and no linear references.

New "artificial" connector features are added for all LRs that don't already have connectors.

Result is using same Overture schema as the input, except for segments two columns are added: start_lr and end_lr.

For sequence in property prohibited_transitions it also adds fields start_lr and end_lr to identify to which of the splits the segment_id refers to.

For details on the process see here.

If you also have access to other open or proprietary data feeds that map Overture segment ids to other properties, with between LR fields or not, these can be consolidated into a single parquet via trivial join by id, then processed one time by this splitter to produce easy to consume split segments.

Getting Started

Any Spark environment should work, but for reference this was tested on Databricks on Azure (Runtime: 13.3 LTS - Apache Spark 3.4.1, Scala 2.12) and AWS Glue.


See requirements.txt for used pip packages.


Spark config (needed for sedona)

spark.serializer org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer
spark.kryo.registrator org.apache.sedona.core.serde.SedonaKryoRegistrator
spark.sql.extensions org.apache.sedona.viz.sql.SedonaVizExtensions,org.apache.sedona.sql.SedonaSqlExtensions

AWS Glue Notebook example config

%idle_timeout 60
%worker_type G.2X
%number_of_workers 50

%additional_python_modules apache-sedona==1.5.1,shapely
  "--conf": "spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer --conf spark.kryo.registrator=org.apache.sedona.core.serde.SedonaKryoRegistrator --conf spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.sedona.viz.sql.SedonaVizExtensions,org.apache.sedona.sql.SedonaSqlExtensions"

Executing program

For simplicity all the code and parameters are currently included in one python script, please set the input variables with appropriate values for overture_release_version, base_output_path and optionally wkt_filter with a polygon WKT if you want to only process the subset of the Overture data that intersects with it.

The list of columns that are considered for identifying the LRs values to split at is constructed at runtime out of input parquet's schema columns that have a between field anywhere in their structure. If you want to customize that behavior please set constants LR_COLUMNS_TO_INCLUDE or LR_COLUMNS_TO_EXCLUDE.

If you are using databricks you can also add this repo as a git folder, see instructions here.

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release


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