Notifier is a simple python script that could be added to a Linux system and give it the ability to push notifications to Android phones using
notifier -t 'Test Notifier' -m 'Notification Text Body'
notifier -u USER_KEY -t 'Test Notifier' -m 'Notification Text Body'
notifier -g developers -t 'Test Notifier' -m 'Notification for a group user'
$ command_or_script && notifier -t title_title -m "success message"
$ command_or_script || notifier -t title_title -m "failure message"
$ command_or_script && notifier -t title_title -m "success message" || notifier -t command_name -m "failure message"
Install SimplePush Application (
$ git clone [email protected]:OsamaJBR/push-notifier.git push-notifier
$ cp push-notifier/notifier.conf /etc/notifier.conf
$ PKG_MANAGER=$( command -v yum || command -v apt-get )
$ $PKG_MANAGER install -y python-requests python-argparse python-configparser
$ sed -i 's/XXXX/YOUR_KEY/' /etc/notifier.conf #(chage YOUR_KEY to the key you've got from simple push app)
$ cp push-notifier/ /usr/local/bin/notifier
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/notifier
sudo bash <(curl -s )