my custom tmuxrc config dir. and config-file.
Some of my favorite features:
- tm-pin ctrl sensible move bindings
- splitting panes:
- prefix + | = split current pane horizontally.
- prefix + \ = split full width horizontally.
- prefix + - = split pane vertically.
- prefix + + = split pane Fully vertically.
- Navigating panes:
- prefix + h = navigate left
- prefix + j = navigate down
- prefix + k = navigate up
- prefix + l = navigate right
- Resizing panes:
- prefix + H = resize current selected pane 5 col.s left
- prefix + J = resize current selected pane 5 rows down
- prefix + K = resize current selected pane 5 rows up
- prefix + L = resize current selected pane 5 col.s right
- splitting panes:
- tmux-plugins/open
- Searches DDG/ = ctrl + shift + o.
- Open selected text in default $EDITOR
- tm-yank
- ymux-jump
- tmux-sessionist
- tmux shell set to zsh w/ slightly different powerline10k
- tpm = tmux plugin manager
- initially set to asciiaquarium, but I will change it to cmatrix soon enough.
- rebound ctrl b to ctrl a Naturally fits my hanf better.
- full mouse and paste support
- gruvbox color scheme
- As are most of my vim/nvim colorschemes for consistency.
- pane window numbering set to start with one
- prefix + ? show ALL hotkeys
- prefix + p(revious)/n(ext)
- prefix + c create new tab(window)
- prefix + & close current tab.
- prefix + 1-9move to tab
- prefix + w show tabs+sessions menu
- prefix + z zoom tab in/out of a pane
- prefix + ! move pane into full window(tab)
- prefix + x close current pane
- prefix + " split tab(window) vertically
- prefix + % split tab(window) horizontally
- prefix + - delete most recently yanked text.
- prefix + : show tmux prompt
- prefix + {} move current pane Left({})/Right(})
- prefix + s choose from session menu
- prefix + [ enter copy Mode
- When in copy mode h-j-k-l + w/b to move by chars or words L/R
- similar to vim G(bottom of the buffer) & g(top of the buffer)
- Also during copy mode /|?+n/N to search just like in the man pages
- q to quit just like man
- space during copy mode starts the copy selection
- enter finishes selecting the text you want to copy.
- prefix + ] pastes the most recent buffer.
- prefix + = choose what to paste from a menu with previews.