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Building OpenParsec

uberlinuxguy edited this page Mar 5, 2013 · 2 revisions

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This page will briefly explain how to build OpenParsec on the various platforms which it is available on.


Here is a list of what you will need to get started:

Building OpenParsec

Building on Windows

  1. Open up platforms/vs2012/Parsec.sln in Visual Stuido
  2. Find "Parsec" in the "Solution Explorer" and right click on it.
  3. Select "Build" and it should build.
  4. You should find the binary in platforms/vs2012/Release/
NOTE: To debug with Visual Studio, make sure that the "Working Directory" under "Debugging" in the project settings is set to where your copy of openparsec-assets is.

Building on Linux

Building on Linux should be pretty simple. Follow the "Simple" directions first. If they do not work for some reason, try the "Not Simple" directions.

Simple Directions

  1. Go into platforms/premake/
  2. Type one the following to build OpenParsec:
    1. make client - makes the client
    2. make server - makes the server
    3. make - makes both client AND server
  3. binaries are placed in parsec_root/{client,server}