Releases: OpenIdentityPlatform/OpenDJ
Releases · OpenIdentityPlatform/OpenDJ
What's Changed
- CVE-2025-27497 Fix Denial of Service (Dos) using alias loop (thanks @hannes96)
- [#477] Change permission config.ldif.startok to owner by @vharseko in #479 (thanks @kranskydog)
- [#208] FIX The definition for the attribute type declared that it should use the syntax which is not defined in the schema by @vharseko in #483
- Documentation update by @maximthomas in #480
- Docs: Generate and publish javadoc by @maximthomas in #482
Full Changelog: 4.9.2...4.9.3
What's Changed
- [#465] Fix custom library loading when put to the lib directory by @maximthomas in #467
- [#463] Disable warning message on downstream closed by @vharseko in #468
- [#471] Fix table name truncate: make jdbc table 63 charter by @vharseko in #473
- [#466] JDBC: added tests for Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL by @maximthomas in #472
- [#466] FIX compatibility jdbc backend: Postgres, Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL by @vharseko in #474
- [#471] PluggableBackendImplTestCase: add duplicate mail test by @vharseko in #475
- IT ReplicationDomainTest upper waitEndExport timeout by @vharseko in #476
- Update year in generated documentation templates by @maximthomas in #464
- Update documentation issues and update links by @maximthomas in #470
Full Changelog: 4.9.1...4.9.2
What's Changed
- Store LDAPv3 database in SQL JDBC database by @vharseko in #454
- CVE-2024-12798 CVE-2024-12801 logback-core Expression Language Injection, Server-Side Request Forgery vulnerability by @vharseko in #455
- FIX NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.duplicate by @vharseko in #453
- FIX Unable to locate package winehq-stable by @vharseko in #452
Full Changelog: 4.8.2...4.9.0
What's Changed
- [#438] FIX import-ldif --offline "import has been aborted because the entry does not have a parent entry" by @vharseko in #444
- 00-core.ldif: X.501, cl. 14.2.2: subentryNameForm OC subentry MUST cn by @vharseko in #448 thanks @JesseCoretta
- FIX makeldif -c suffix=dc=example: Unable to parse a constant argument expecting name=value by @vharseko in #443
- Bump commons.version 2.2.3 by @vharseko in #450
- Fix MAC OS build failure by @maximthomas in #445
- Actions: get ubuntu source from $(lsb_release -c -s) by @vharseko in #446
- depoloy.yml: Fix documents deploy by @maximthomas in #449
Full Changelog: 4.8.1...4.8.2
What's Changed
- [#393] FIX DIT SUP delimiter by @vharseko in #395
- [#392] FIX RootDSE Entry allow user objectClass by @vharseko in #396
- Addresses #397, #398, #399, #404 by @JesseCoretta in #405
- Docs in asciidoc & deploy antora docs after build by @maximthomas in #408
- [#402] Change default SSL HandshakeTimeout -1 -> 10s (see #146) by @vharseko in #411
- [#401] Change "Object class violation (65)" -> "Naming violation (64)" LDAP result code for DIT Structure Rule violation by @vharseko in #410
- [#394] FIX dsconfig --help- by @vharseko in #406
- [#400] Reduce character escaping in example, add note by @JesseCoretta in #413
- Added missing documentation attachments by @maximthomas in #414
- Generate man pages in the AsciiDoc format by @maximthomas in #418
- Reduce character escaping in example, add note by @maximthomas in #419
- minor docs glitches fix by @maximthomas in #420
- Add JDK 23 build support by @vharseko in #421
- Bump org.openidentityplatform.commons 2.2.2 by @vharseko in #417
- Docker: Use tail instead of sleep to allow the container to be stopped with SIGTERM by @PyRowMan in #427
- [#423] Eliminate asciidoctor warning messages when generating documentation by @maximthomas in #429
- [#426] ADD maven.compiler.release=8 for cross compile compatibility by @vharseko in #430
- Remove legacy files by @vharseko in #433
- [#90, #432] FIX delete entries in overlapping backends by @vharseko in #434
- [#425] Add option -Dorg.openidentityplatform.opendj.ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_VIOLATES_PARENT_DSR for force control "Entry is invalid according to the server schema because there is no DIT structure rule that applies to that entry, but there is a DIT structure rule for the parent entry". Default: warning level by @vharseko in #435
- [#425] Workaround: Entry is invalid according to the server schema because there is no DIT structure rule that applies to that entry, but there is a DIT structure rule for the parent entry by @JesseCoretta in #422
- [#431] Update importldiff --offline and --clearBacked flags descriptions by @maximthomas in #437
New Contributors
- @JesseCoretta made their first contribution in #405
- @PyRowMan made their first contribution in #427
Full Changelog: 4.8.0...4.8.1
What's Changed
- Switch docker to last LTS JRE 21 by @vharseko in #378
- Add JDK 22 support by @vharseko in #377
- [#376] JMX fix docs with "Allow insecure authentication" by @vharseko in #380
- [#376] FIX SNMP monitoring config by @vharseko in #381
- [#383] FIX docs: import-ldif and export-ldif binaries should be shown using the --offline option by @vharseko in #385
- [#384] FIX Control Panel: empty help URL values by @maximthomas in #386
- FIX do not check DIT structure parent/child on same ObjectClass by @vharseko in #390 (thanks for the research @JesseCoretta)
- Bump org.openidentityplatform.commons 2.2.0 by @vharseko in #391
Full Changelog: 4.7.0...4.8.0
What's Changed
- [#204] ADD LDAP Relax Rules Control by @vharseko in #362
- [#287] ADD alias dereferencing for search requests by @vharseko in #369
- [#187] FIX RFC3671: collective attribute values should be merged. Virtuals with other virtuals and real values. by @vharseko in #365
- [#84] FIX incorrect entry-Based ACIs is defined with only "deny" permission without "allow" by @vharseko in #372
- [#250] Add Overlapping Backend TestSuite by @vharseko in #373
- [#294] Dont send client notification on IOException by @vharseko in #374
- [#368] CASSANDRA ADD property -Dkeyspace=ldap_opendj by @vharseko in #370
- Bump commons.version 2.1.6 by @vharseko in #375
- Publish docs to by @maximthomas in #366
- Fix documentation version by @maximthomas in #371
Full Changelog: 4.6.5...4.7.0
What's Changed
- compress webhelp, xhtml and html docs after build by @maximthomas in #348
- add missing docs by @maximthomas in #350
- Update by @vharseko in #352
- [#354] FIX "OpenDJ fails to upgrade from version 3->4: An error occurred while attempting to perform index rebuild: Unable to decode the provided object class set because it used an undefined token" by @vharseko in #356
- [#167] FIX control-panel ResetUserPasswordTask unpredictable result (wait async result) by @vharseko in #357
- Add rest operations modifyPassword, resetPassword to docs from by @vharseko in #358
- [#148,#261,#282] FIX control-panel schema errors in remote mode by @vharseko in #359
Full Changelog: 4.6.4...4.6.5
What's Changed
- Embedded OpenDJ module initial commit by @maximthomas in #340
- Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.2.11 to 1.2.13 in /opendj-embedded by @dependabot in #341
- Bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.2.9 to 1.2.13 in /opendj-embedded by @dependabot in #342
- update opendj-parent version by @maximthomas in #343
- Bump org.bouncycastle:bc-fips from to in /opendj-core by @dependabot in #344
- Bump org.bouncycastle:bctls-fips from 1.0.13 to 1.0.19 in /opendj-core by @dependabot in #345
- Bump org.openidentityplatform.commons 2.1.4 by @maximthomas in #346
- move commons version to property & fix doc-maven-plugin version by @maximthomas in #347
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #341
Full Changelog: 4.6.3...4.6.4