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YMHuang edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 1 revision

Contribute code


  • Install Git
  • Register a github account


Step 1. Fork the repository

In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork button

Step 2. Clone your fork

There is a repository in your Github account. And clone the fork on your local. In the right sidebar of your fork's repository page, copy the clone URL for your fork

On command line, use git clone to clone the fork on yout local:

$ git clone [email protected]:[YOUR_ACCOUNT]/VMS.git
$ cd VMS/

Step 3. Find an issue

You can pick up issues including bugs and features from Github Issues.

Step 4. Create a new branch on your fork

When you want to fix issues or add new features, you will need to create a new branch. The new branch doesn't affect other branches.

On command line, you can type the following commands:

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b feature-new-one

Notes: This makes the new feature-new-one was created from develop branch

Step 5. Write code

Please make sure the contribution code follows our coding style

Step 6. Add commits

Before sumbitting code, you need to create a commit with messages and push the commit on your fork's repository.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Fix #1 issue"
$ git push origin feature-new-one

Step 7. Create a pull request

Your fork's repository on Github page will show pull request notificaition. You can click Compare and Pull request button to send a new pull request.

If you are unable to see the notification, please refer