this project is created to airdrop RNT tokens to accurate addresses .It contains contract of AirDrop.sol which should be deployed before running the nodejs script "index.js" .
- deployed AirDrop.sol to testnet or mainet .
- the sender should approve the AirDrop contract to send RNT tokens;
"src":"./resource/output.csv",//the location of the addresses to loaded from
"node":"",//ethereum node url
"wallet":{},//the sender's wallet (keystore)
"timeout":5000,//parallel send interval time
"contractAddr":"0xC93243dA5ad92eE87626AdEb2F6202C9cA95eF6E",//the airdrop contract
"contractABI":"./resource/AirDrop.json",//location of the contract abi
"privateKey":true //use private key to unlock wallet if true
nodejs index.js ${pwd}
where pwd is the password or privateKey of sender's wallet you should config privaeKey:true in the config.json file