Version 1.0
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech) has built the OneNote Picker for Android, an open source project that strives to help Android developers use the OneNote API from their apps.
- JDK 1.6 or higher
- Works on Android 2.2 (Froyo) and higher
- Targeted for Android 4.4 (KitKat)
- INTERNET permissions in AndroidManifest.xml
Tools and Libraries you will need to download, install, and configure for your development environment to use the OneNotePickerLibrary.
Be sure to verify the prerequisites for these too.
- As the user, you'll need to have a Microsoft account so your project can authenticate with the Microsoft Live connect SDK.
###Reference the Library
To compile the source code,...
- Download the repo as a ZIP file to your local computer, and extract the files. Or, clone the repository into a local copy of Git.
- Start Eclipse, if it is not already running.
- Choose "File > Import."
- Expand "Android." Choose "Existing Android Code into Workspace," and then click "Next."
- Choose "Browse" to select a root directory.
- Go to and select this folder within the downloaded project files, and then click "OK."
- In the Projects box, make sure both the "OneNotePickerLib" and "android-support-v7-appcompat" projects are selected.
- Make sure that the "Copy projects into workspace" check box is selected. Click "Finish." Eclipse adds both projects to the Package Explorer pane and then compiles the library in the background.
- You can now reference the compiled library from your Eclipse Android projects.
To reference the compiled library in an Eclipse Android project,...
- In Eclipse, display the Package Explorer pane, if it is not already visible.
- Right-click your project's name, and then choose "Properties."
- In the list of project properties, choose "Android."
- In the Library area, click "Add."
- Click "OneNotePickerLib" and then click "OK."
- Click "OK." Eclipse sets a reference to the compiled library source code project, and you can now call the "OneNotePickerActivity" from your own Android project.
Note: Before you run your project, you must add the Internet permission to your project's manifest, as shown in the following steps. If you don't add the Internet permission, your app may have problems accessing OneNote web services.
To add the Internet permission to your project's manifest,...
- Make sure that your project is open. In the Package Explorer pane, open the AndroidManifest.xml file.
- In the editor, click the Permissions tab.
- Choose "Add."
- Choose "Uses Permission," and then click "OK."
- In the "Name" list, choose "android.permission.INTERNET."
- Save the AndroidManifest.xml file.
The OneNotePickerLibrary provides a class called OneNotePickerActivity.class that extends Activity. You implement this class with an Intent. To handle return values from this class, you need to implement the onActivityResult method.
Specify the required and optional properties for the OneNotePickerActivity.class by setting these "extras" by using the putExtra method on the Intent:
- ACCESS_TOKEN (Required): A String that specifies the access token to be used for authentication. See Authenticate the user for the OneNote API to learn how to authenticate your product.
- NAV_TEXT_COLOR (Optional): A Color object that specifies the color of the properties in the action bar (the text, back arrow, and cancel button). If this is not set, then the default color will be used.
- THEME_COLOR (Optional): An Enum value (OneNotePickerThemeColor.LIGHT and OneNotePickerThemeColor.DARK) that specifies the light or dark theme.
The activity returns a resultCode of either RESULT_OK, when the user successfully selects a section or RESULT_CANCELED when the user either cancels the operation or the operation fails due to an error.
When the resultCode value is RESULT_OK, the OneNotePickerActivity class returns the following values through the getExtras method on the data object returned by your implementation of the onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) method:
- SECTION_ID: A String that specifies the ID of the selected section.
- SECTION_NAME: A String that specifies the name of the selected section.
- PAGES_URL: A URL that specifies the REST URL to use to create or get pages in the selected section.
- CREATED_TIME: A Date object that specifies the date/time when the selected section was created.
- MODIFIED_TIME: A Date object that specifies the date/time when any page in the selected section was last modified.
- LAST_MODIFIED_BY: A String that specifies the name of the user who last modified any page in the selected section.
When the resultCode value is RESULT_CANCELED, the OneNotePickerActivity class returns a Boolean value for USER_CANCELLED through the getExtras method on the data object returned by your implementation of onActivityResult. This means that the user has cancelled the operation by using the back arrow or the cancel button.
If the value of USER_CANCELLED is false, the class also returns a Boolean value for API_ERROR. If the value of API_ERROR is true, the OneNote API has returned an error code and information about the error.
When the value for API_ERROR is true, the OneNotePickerActivity class returns the following values:
- API_ERROR_CODE: A String that specifies the value of the error code returned by the OneNote API. See OneNote API error and warning codes for a list of possible error codes.
- API_ERROR_URL: A URL that specifies the value of the explanatory error URL returned by the OneNote API.
- API_ERROR_STRING: A String that contains a description of the error.
If the value of API_ERROR is false, the platform has thrown an exception because of an error that originates on the device. In this case, the OneNotePickerActivityClass returns an Exception object.
When the values for USER_CANCELLED and API_ERROR are both false, the OneNotePickerActivity class returns an exception through the following value:
- SYSTEM_EXCEPTION: An Exception object returned by the platform due to an error on the device.
The following example shows how to create a new Intent with the OneNotePickerActivity class, set the required and optional values, and handle errors and exceptions that might be returned:
private void pickOneNoteSection() {
//Create Intent
Intent oneNotePickerIntent = new Intent(this, OneNotePickerActivity.class);
//Set Properties
oneNotePickerIntent.putExtra("ACCESS_TOKEN", "<Insert OAuth Ticket>");
oneNotePickerIntent.putExtra("NAV_TEXT_COLOR", new Color().rgb(128,57,123));
//Start Picker - Assumes that a value for "REQUEST_CODE" has already been set
startActivityForResult(oneNotePickerIntent, REQUEST_CODE);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) {
String sectionID = data.getExtras().getString("SECTION_ID");
String sectionName = data.getExtras().getString("SECTION_NAME");
URL pagesURL = (URL) data.getExtras().get("PAGES_URL");
Date createdTime = (Date) data.getExtras().get("CREATED_TIME");
Date modifiedTime = (Date) data.getExtras().get("MODIFIED_TIME");
String lastModifiedBy = data.getExtras().getString("LAST_MODIFIED_BY");
//PICKER CANCELLED OR generated an error
else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED && requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) {
if (data.getExtras().getBoolean("USER_CANCELLED")) {
} else if (data.getExtras().getBoolean("API_ERROR")) {
String apiErrorCode = data.getExtras().getString("API_ERROR_CODE");
String apiErrorString = data.getExtras().getString("API_ERROR_STRING");
URL apiErrorURL = (URL) data.getExtras().get("API_ERROR_URL");
} else {
Exception e = (Exception) data.getExtras().get("SYSTEM_EXCEPTION");
The following aspects of the API are used in this library. You can find additional documentation at the links below.
- GET notebooks to which the user has access
- GET section groups to which the user has access
- GET a specific section group to which the user has access
- GET sections to which the user has access
- GET a specific section to which the user has access
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.