This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVP architecture using Dagger2, Room, RxJava2, DataBinding and Retrofit
- closer look on MVP architecture , you can start here
- familiar with Dagger2 , if you r not then you can start here
- familiar with Room , if you r not then you can start here
- familiar with RxJava2 , if you r not then you can start here
- familiar with Retrofit , if you r not then you can start here
- example for Retrofit with RxJava2 here
- data: It contains all the data accessing and manipulating components.
- di: Dependency providing classes using Dagger2.
- ui: View classes along with their corresponding ViewModel.
- utils: Utility classes.
Android Developer : Omar Ali – @linkedin – [email protected]
- just make a pull request and you are in!