Flask project for D-Dagen's website.
When designing a feature, design it with mobile first in mind. Generally this means that you should never set values in pixels or cm, instead use %, em, rem, vh, and vw, more information can be found here. Yes, it is more work to design the site responsivley, but it creates a much better user experience.
Color | code | usecase |
cerise: | #e83d84 | used for most things on the page |
cerise-light: | #ec5f99 | used when a different shade is needed |
transparent grey: | rgba(69, 69, 69, 0.8) | used for the header and footer background |
If you're running Windows I can highly recommend Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as it allows you to run a Linux terminal in Windows. This can be of tremendous help as it allows you to gather everything related to the development of ddagen.se in one place (git, React, Flask).
Link to installation guide: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10.
$ pipenv install
$ flask run