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Task_3 - 2017

Exercise on Class Relationship

This exercise is intended to allow students to practice basic Class Relationship
Aggregation and Composition

There are 2 Exercises that you have to complete individually
write down your identity (Name, Student ID, Class) on the top of each file

Exercise 1

Task 3 - Exercise 1 - 2017

Write Java Program as described in Class Diagram below

![Class Diagram Exercise 1] (/exercise1.JPG)

  • Class

  • Constructor initialize application name and size (MB)

  • Method toString() : String returns String that contains application name and application size
    example : "Application name: App_1, with size: 3MB"

  • Class

  • method createNewApp( appName, appSize ) instantiate new Application object and insert it in array appList

  • method getApp( id ) : Application returns Application object from array appList with array index = id

  • Method toString() : String returns String that contains the number of Application available
    example : "There are 5 applications ready to install"

  • Class

  • method addApplication( appStore , appId ) get an Application object from array appList of an appStore with array index = appId
    an Application can be installed if Application size < remaining memory size

  • method getRemainingSize() : int returns the remaining memory size of the smart phone

  • Method toString() : String returns String that contains the smart phone total memory size, number of application installed, and remaining memory size
    example : "memory size 100MB, 5 application installed, remaining memory size: 60MB"

Write a class (Main class) to test these scenarios
(Scenario Testing)

  • instantiate 1 AppStore object aps
    example : AppStore aps = new AppStore();
  • create 4 new Applications within the App Store aps, with app name = app1, app2, app3, and app4; and app size 100, 200, 300, and 400
    example : aps.createNewApp( "app1" , 100 );
  • display the status of App Store aps
    example : System.out.println( aps );
  • display the status of one of application available on App Store aps
    example : System.out.println( aps.getApp( 2 ) );
  • instantiate 1 SmartPhone object sm, set the memory size 300
    example :
    SmartPhone sm = new SmartPhone();
  • display the status of SmartPhone sm
    example : System.out.println( sm );
  • install applications (in sequence) app1, app3, and app2 in SmartPhone sm
    example : sm.addApplication( aps, app1 );
  • display the status of SmartPhone sm after each installation

Try another scenario case on your own

Exercise 2

Task 3 - Exercise 2 - 2017

Write Java Program as described in Class Diagram below

![Class Diagram Exercise 2] (/exercise2.JPG)

  • Class

  • Create 2 Constructors : initialize name, and initialize name and specialization

  • Method toString() : String returns String that contains member name, specialization, and number of project worked
    example : "Member Alex specialized in Java Programming and already worked on 5 projec(s)"

  • Class

  • Constructor initialize project name, instantiate array member with size of [5],
    and set release status = false

  • method addMember( m : Member ) add an object Member m into array team member
    increment integer nTeam+1

  • method releaseApp() set release status = true

  • Method toString() : String returns String that contains Project name, number of team member, and release status
    example : "Project Exodus status is in progress with team member of 4"

  • Class

  • method addMember( m : Member ) add an object Member m into array member
    increment integer nMember+1

  • method getMember( id : int ) : Member returns Member object from array member with array index = id

  • method createNewProject( projectName : String ) instantiate new Project object and insert it in array projectList
    increment integer nProject+1

  • method getProject( id : int ) : Project returns Project object from array projectList with array index = id

  • method releaseProject( p : Project ) set release status of object Project p by invoking method releaseApp()

  • method getNumReleasedProject() : int returns number of project with status is released

Write a class (Main class) to test these scenarios
(Scenario Testing)

  • instantiate 1 StartUp object stp
    example : StartUp stp = new StartUp();
  • instantiate 5 new Member objects with name = Alex, Beni, Cakra, Deni, and Eric; and add them to StartUp stp
    example :
    Member m = new Member("Alex");
    stp.addMember( m );
  • create 2 Project object within the Start Up stp, with project name = project1 and project2
    example : stp.createNewProject( "project1" );
  • set project member as below
  • add Alex, Beni, and Deni into Project1
  • add Beni, Cakra, Deni, and Eric into Project2 example :
    Project p = stp.getProject( 0 );
    Member m = stp.getMember( 0 );
    stp.setProjectMember( p , m );
  • set release one of the project
    example : stp.releaseProject( stp.getProject( 1 ) );
  • display the status of every member in Start Up stp
    example : System.out.println( stp.getMember( 0 ) );
  • display the status of every project in Start Up stp
    example : System.out.println( stp.getProject( 0 ) );
  • display the number of released project in Start Up stp

Try another scenario case on your own


Exercise on Class Relationship






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