Streamlit component that allows you to play MIDI.
pip install streamlit-pianoroll
import streamlit as st
from pianoroll_streamlit import pianoroll
st.write("This is a pianoroll!")
- Initialize and run the component template frontend:
$ cd pianoroll_streamlit/frontend
$ npm install # Install npm dependencies
$ npm run start # Start the Webpack dev server
- From a separate terminal, run the template's Streamlit app:
$ cd template
$ . venv/bin/activate # activate the venv you created earlier
$ pip install -e . # install template as editable package
$ streamlit run streamlit_pianoroll/ # run the example
- If all goes well, you should see something like this:

This repository uses pre-commit hooks with forced python formatting (black, flake8, and isort):
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Whenever you execute git commit
the files altered / added within the commit will be checked and corrected.
and isort
can modify files locally - if that happens you have to git add
them again.
You might also be prompted to introduce some fixes manually.
To run the hooks against all files without running git commit
pre-commit run --all-files
# Prepare JS
cd streamlit_pianoroll/frontend
npm run build
cd ../..
# Releasey PYPI
echo "Update version in, pls"
python sdist bdist_wheel
python -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*