The point of this project was to use transformer to predict high-resolution MIDI data from low-resolution, quantized MIDI notes.
Overview: Velocity prediction:
flowchart TD
A[MIDI Sequence] --> B(quantized piece)
B --> |transformers| E(encoded_decoded)
A --> C(velocity)
E --> |generator| F[generated velocity]
F --> G(loss)
C --> G
Dstart prediction:
flowchart TD
A[MIDI Sequence] --> B(quantized piece)
B --> |transformers| E(encoded_decoded)
A --> C(high-resolution dstart bins)
E --> |generator| F[generated high-resolution dstart bins]
F --> G(loss)
C --> G
You can train the model to predict dstart:
python --config-name=dstart
or velocity:
You can train the model on data quantized into up to 10 bins.
For example, if you want to use 5 bins for dstart, 4 for duration and 1 for velocity, you need to specify dataset.quantization hyperparameters:
python dataset.quantization.dstart=5 dataset.quantization.duration=4 dataset.quantization.velocity=1
num_epochs: 5
accum_iter: 10
base_lr: 1.0
batch_size: 16
distributed: False
label_smoothing: 0.1
dataset_name: 'roszcz/maestro-v1-sustain'
sequence_len: 128
sequence_step: 42
duration: 3
dstart: 3
velocity: 3
device: "cuda:0"
warmup: 3000
log_frequency: 10
file_prefix: "to-vel"
run_name: midi-transformer-${now:%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M}
project: "midi-transformer"
n: 6
d_model: 512
d_ff: 2048
h: 8
dropout: 0.1
The model for velocity prediction, with parameters from above, was trained for ~7.5h on GTX 960M and reached ~2.6 loss on val split of maestro-v1 dataset as well as on giant-midi-sustain.
To start the velocity prediction dashboard you need to run streamlit.
# Streamlit has issues with accepting it's run in the root directory
PYTHONPATH=. streamlit run --server.port 4466 dashboard/streamlit/velocity/
For dstart prediction run:
PYTHONPATH=. streamlit run --server.port 4466 dashboard/streamlit/dstart/
You can try out different tokenization methods i.e. different nuber of bins by
choosing Tokenization review option from "Display" selectbox.
When you have trained your model, you can listen to and compare model predictions with original and target pieces.
Run the same command and choose "Model predictions" option.
You can choose a model to predict velocities or dstart of any piece from test dataset.
This repository uses pre-commit hooks with forced python formatting (black, flake8, and isort):
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Whenever you execute git commit
the files altered / added within the commit will be checked and corrected.
and isort
can modify files locally - if that happens you have to git add
them again.
You might also be prompted to introduce some fixes manually.
To run the hooks against all files without running git commit
pre-commit run --all-files