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Fortepyan 🎹

GitHub CI Python 3.9 PyPI version PyPI download month


import fortepyan as ff

piece = ff.MidiPiece.from_file("mymidi.mid")

ff.view.make_piano_roll_video(piece, "tmp.mp4")


Pre-commit hooks with forced python formatting (black, flake8, and isort):

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Whenever you execute git commit the files altered / added within the commit will be checked and corrected. black and isort can modify files locally - if that happens you have to git add them again. You might also be prompted to introduce some fixes manually.

To run the hooks against all files without running git commit:

pre-commit run --all-files

Package release:

# from the root directory with clean working tree
# replace patch with one of: [major, minor, patch]
./scripts/release/ patch
# Make any additional changes to the release commit