Recruitment task / Unity Developer Test
Character movement - WSAD
Camera control, rotation - Mouse
Interaction - F
Inventory, Crafting window - Tab
- There should be 3 different objects on stage to interact with (wood, stone, iron) and the player
- The player should be able to move and interact with each object
- When interacting, the object is added to the player's inventory
- From the inventory level, the player has the ability to perform 2 actions
- throwing the object back back onto the stage
- switching to the crafting panel
- The player should be able to craft the following example objects from the crafting panel:
- wood + wood = plank
- board + stone = stone axe
- iron + iron = nail
- plank + nail = spiked baton
- Each resulting object should have a certain percentage chance of success. For example, a nail might have a 60% chance of being created and a spiked bludgeon only 20%. In both successful and unsuccessful crafting, we should be able to add any behaviour, effect or method to a given situation from within the editor without the need to write additional code in the class that manages crafting
- The crafting and inventory system should operate on a simple UI
- Any object discarded from the inventory should appear on the stage and have the possibility to be picked up and then returned to the inventory